

2024-10-18 来源:威能网
FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度1Ingot chemical compositionAlloy composition DeviateIncoming Materialout of specification as partfromA380Inspectionintegrity affected6铝料的成份不符合 A380成进料检查铝料成份不合格影响产品的真分要求实性Incorrect alloy or alloycomposition Deviate fromA380 from supplier进错料或材料成份超差21.Check the material composition byspectrograph1.检查材料化学成份2.Make sure the right material fromsupplier(e.g.:purchase order& surplier'smaterial inspection report)2.确保供应商过来的材料是正确的(如定单号、供应商材料检查报告)1.Ingot composition analysis per lot / For allunqualified material must be returned tosupplier, refer to standard WI for Alloycomposition analysis Instruction1.对每 一批铝锭进行成份分析,不合格的一律退回供货商处。参照铝合金化学成份分析5作业指导书。2.Check the material report if it is as sameas the material from supplier2.检查供应商提供过来的报告是否跟送过来的材料一样603Storage贮存Alloy mixed铝料混淆Wrong material used duringproduction, it may cause100% scrap parts7生产过程中用错料,结果导致产品100%报废1.Wrong Color Codeidentification1.颜色标识错误2.The fork track fork thewrong material2.叉车叉错料21.AL ingot stored in separate zone is 100%checked on label and color code.1.对分放区的铝料进行100%的标签和颜色检Detail label, color mark, storage location are查.used for different ingot.2.The Fork track's operator will check the5不同的铝锭有不同的详细标签,颜色标记和material if it is the needed material before存放地。forking the material.2.叉车工叉料之前要检查下材料是不是自己需要叉的材料.705Material Melting熔炼Chemical composition ofLiquid aluminum are out ofSpec.铝液的化学成份不合格Product chemicalcomposition out ofspecification, parts scraped7100%.产品化学成份不合格,导致产品100%报废1.Incorrect recycle material,1.未正确回收铝料2.Melting wrong ingot2.熔错料3.Wrong Material matching3.材料配对不对21.Recycle material containers color coded1.回收筒作好颜色标记2.Melting the right ingot2.熔正确的材料3.The right material matching3.材料配比要正确1.Check melting matiral chemicalcomposition in holding furnace each shift1.每班检查一次保温炉子铝料成分.2.The operator will check the material if it isthe needed material and color code beforemelting the material.52.员工熔炼之前要检查下材料和颜色是不是自己需要熔的材料.3.Operator will follow the melting operationcard to match the material3.员工按照熔炼工艺卡去配比材料70Excessive gas and dregsProduct will have inclusionsin Liquid aluminum产品会有夹渣铝液中有多余的气体和渣滓6Wrong Degassing&Skimmingmatching、pressure and2timing使用的除渣除气剂配比、压力、时间不对The right Degassing&Skimming matching、pressure and timing使用正确的除渣除气剂配比、压力、时间不对Operator will follow the melting operationcard to match and setup parameter员工按照熔炼工艺卡去配比和设置参数6721 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度Liquid aluminumtemperature is too low ortoo high铝液温度太低或太高Product will have cold flow orporosity6产品有冷隔或气孔Heating is not enough orheating is too high加热不够或加热过多2Use annunciator to Monitoring thetemperature用报警器来监控温度1.Check and Record each melting process.1.对每次熔料过程检查并记录2.If temperature is out of norm, annunciator5will alarm2.若温度超出范围,将出现报警。6010Die casting压铸Part chemical compositionChemical composition ofout of specification, partsLiquid aluminum are out ofscraped 100%.7Spec.产品化学成份不合格,导致产铝液的化学成份不合格品100%报废Put wrong liquid aluminum放错铝液21.Check melting matiral chemicalcomposition from holding furnace each shift1.每班检查一次保温炉子铝料成分.Operator put the right liquid aluminum to the2.Operator checks color code on mainholding furnace beside casting machinefurnace、refill tanks and holding furnace5作业员要把正确的铝液倒入机边保温炉beside casting machine,if they are thesame .2.作业员对主熔炉,铝水包和机边炉的颜色标记进行颜色确认。70None无 Cold flow or non fill 冷隔或成形不良 impact product function影响产品功能6 mould or materialtemperature is too low模温或料温过低21.Die casting operator need to follow theWarm-up procedure for each setup or eachshutdown more than 10 mins1. Make sure the right mould or temperature1.若停机10分钟以上以及每次调机,操作员1.确保正确的模温或料温须按照预热程序进行预热。2.Sampling check the parts according to the52.Use annunciator to Monitoring thespecification.temperature2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行抽样检查。2.用报警器来监控温度3.If temperature is out of norm, annunciatorwill alarm3.若温度超出范围,将出现报警。1. Make sure first Piece is OK beforeproduction1. 首件检查OK后才能生产2. X-ray inspect in process2. 过程用X光机检测产品3.Check and record machine parameters5each two hours and control it.3.每两小时检查并记录机器参数并控制。4.If temperature is out of norm, annunciatorwill alarm4.若温度超出范围,将出现报警。60None无Porosity in the part.产品内部气孔 Internal scrap part 产品报废71.Parameter (meltingtemperature, castingpressure, slow/high speed)fluctuate due to error inmachine related sensor.1.由于压铸机相关感应器的失2误导致机器设置参数(铝液温度、铸压、慢/高速)的变动。2.Mould or materialtemperature is too high2.模具温度太高1.Control the machine parameters1.控制机器参数2.Use annunciator to Monitoring thetemperature2.用报警器来监控温度70None无2 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度the tooling cracks whichlead to the part appearingthe cracking模具开裂导致产品出现模裂纹 Lead to the additionaloperation of workingprocedure导致多余的返工工序.6the tooling will aging模具老化2enchase in order to remove the stress退火去应力1.Sampling check the parts according to thespecification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行抽样检查。52.Anneal in order to remove the stress2.退火去应力60None无Flash remain too thick披锋太厚 Lead to the additionaloperation of workingprocedure导致多余的返工工序.6Mold surface is not flatenough either in fixed ormoving half.模面不平(动模或定模)2Carry out regularly maintain模具正常保养1.Sampling check the parts according to thespecification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行抽样检查。52.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养60None无Part chemical compositionChemical composition ofout of specification, partsLiquid aluminum are out ofscraped 100%.7Spec.产品化学成份不合格,导致产铝液的化学成份不合格品100%报废Put wrong liquid aluminum放错铝液21.Check melting matiral chemicalcomposition from holding furnace each shift1.每班检查一次保温炉子铝料成分.Operator put the right liquid aluminum to the2.Operator checks color code on mainholding furnace beside casting machinefurnace、refill tanks and holding furnace5作业员要把正确的铝液倒入机边保温炉beside casting machine,if they are thesame .2.作业员对主熔炉,铝水包和机边炉的颜色标记进行颜色确认。70None无Casting Dimension for14# is out of tolerance14#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养570NoneCasting Dimension for15# is out of tolerance15#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570NoneCasting Dimension for16# is out of tolerance16#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570None3 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度Casting Dimension for17# is out of tolerance17#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养570NoneCasting Dimension for18# is out of tolerance18#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570NoneCasting Dimension for19# is out of tolerance19#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570NoneCasting Dimension for20# is out of tolerance20#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570NoneCasting Dimension for28# is out of tolerance28#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570None30# is out of tolerance30.#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570None4 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度Casting Dimension for31# is out of tolerance31#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.1.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样检查。2.Carry out regularly maintain base on lastshot from the pervious production2.模具根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养All the machine stop gas, electricity,setupproduct must be scraped所有机器停气、停电、调试产品570NoneCasting Dimension for32# is out of tolerance32#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570NoneCasting Dimension for33# is out of tolerance33#压铸尺寸超差1.There is not enoughmaching stock.1.没有足够加工余量2.The maching stock is toomuch2.加工余量过多7 The tooling has no regularlymaintain模具没有进行保养2Carry out tooling regularly maintain模具进行正常的保养570NoneProduct appearance ordimension is not qualified产品外观、尺寸不合格Internal scrap part产品报废7The machine stop gas,electricity,setup product机器停气、停电、调试产品2All the machine stop gas, electricity,setupproduct must be scraped所有机器停气、停电、调试产品68430Triming剪水口Crack or Breakage alongInternal scrap partthe part edge产品报废 产品开裂或崩入71.Product does not putok, when do triming1.产品没有放好就剪水口22.The triming tooling hasproblem.2.剪水口模具有问题1.Accord as triming productmanufacture chart依照剪水口产品作业指导书2.Carry out triming tooling regularlymaintain2.剪水口模具进行正常的保养1.Operator 100% visual inspectionproduct appearance by master sample1.作业员按极限样板100%目视检查产品外观2.QC check product appearance byinspection instruction2.QC按检查基准书对产品进行外观检查83.Carry out triming tooling regularlymaintain base on last shot from thepervious production3.剪水口模根据前次生产尾啤进行正常的保养1.Operator 100% visual inspectionproduct appearance by master sample1.作业员按极限样板100%目视检查产品外观82.QC check product appearance byinspection instruction2.QC按检查基准书对产品进行外观检查112Reguarly maintainthe trimingKang zhong yaotooling2012-6-20对剪水口模进行日常保养Reguarlymaintain thetriming7tooling对剪水口模进行日常保养185650Shot blasting抛丸Surface of parts isunevenly抛丸表面不均匀Non-confirming parts.产品不合格6The wrong of timing andParameter时间与参数不符合2Accord as shot blasting productinstruction依照抛丸产品作业指导书96None无5 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度70CNC MachiningCNC加工The appearance( burr、dents、scratch etc.) isnot OK Internal scrap part产品外观(毛刺、压凹、刮 产品报废伤等)不合格71.The fixture has Aluspan1.夹具上有铝屑没有被吹干净2.The product is not been2put well2.产品没有摆放好Accord as CNC machining productinstruction依照机加工产品作业指导书1.Operator 100% visual inspectionproduct appearance by master sample1.作业员按极限样板100%目视检查产品外观82.QC check product appearance byinspection instruction2.QC按检查基准书对产品进行外观检查1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养112Define the rightproduct putting规范产品摆放标准Qin rong le2012-6-25Define therightproductputting规范产品摆放标准71856Dimension54#is out oftolerance.尺寸54#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无Dimension55#is out oftolerance.尺寸55#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无Dimension56#is out oftolerance.尺寸56#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无6 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度Dimension57#is out oftolerance.尺寸57#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养70None无Dimension58#is out oftolerance.尺寸58#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无Dimension59#is out oftolerance.尺寸59#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无7 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度Dimension60#is out oftolerance.尺寸60#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养70None无Dimension61#is out oftolerance.尺寸61#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无1Dimension62#is out oftolerance.尺寸62#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废1.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧721.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无8 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度2Dimension63#is out oftolerance.尺寸63#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废1.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧721.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养70None无Dimension64#is out oftolerance.尺寸64#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无Dimension65#is out oftolerance.尺寸65#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无9 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度Dimension67#is out oftolerance.尺寸67#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废71.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧21.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养70None无5Dimension69#is out oftolerance.尺寸69#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废1.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧721.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无4Dimension70#is out oftolerance.尺寸70#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废1.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧721.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养70None无10 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度3Dimension71#is out oftolerance.尺寸71#超差 Internal scrap part 产品内部报废1.Break of cutter1.刀具断裂2.Wearing of the cutter2.刀具的磨损3.Wearing of the fixture3.夹具没夹紧721.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.Setup a tool-life record and prepare tohave a regular tooling change, in order toreduce the production downtime2.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具3.Maintain the fixture3.对夹具进行保养1.Operator check the machine and fixture ifthey are fine before production.1.生产前员工要对机床、夹具的确认是否是好的.2.First sample and Sampling check theparts according to the specification.2.按检查作业指导书对产品进行首件和抽样5检查。3.Setup the tool life and maintenance recordand have a refular tooling change3.建立刀具寿命和维修记录并定期更换刀具4.Maintain the fixture when complete theproduct plan4.完成生产计划后要对夹具进行保养All the machine stop gas, electricity,setupproduct must be scraped所有机器停气、停电、调试产品70None无Product appearance ordimension is not qualified产品外观、尺寸不合格Internal scrap part产品报废7The machine stop gas,electricity,setup product机器停气、停电、调试产品2All the machine stop gas, electricity,setupproduct must be scraped所有机器停气、停电、调试产品68490Washing清洗Grease remain on the partrework due to badsurface.cleanliness.产品表面仍有油由于清洁度不好而返工51. Washing agent losingconcentration.1.清洗剂浓度不够2. Concentration changed2. 浓度变化2Accord as washing product instruction依照清洗产品作业指导书1.Operator 100% visual inspection productappearance by master sample1.作业员按极限样板100%目视检查产品外观2.QC check product appearance byinspection instruction82.QC按检查基准书对产品进行外观检查3.Chemical concentration and temperaturechecked and record daily3.每天对化学浓度和温度进行检测并记录80None无Product surface has crush Internal scrap partinjury or deformation 产品内部报废产品表面撞伤或变形7Wrong put when washproduct产品清洗时摆放不正确2Make sure product's put is right when washproduct产品清洗时摆放时要正确Accord as washing product instruction依照清洗产品作业指导书798None无110Packing andinspectionpacking包装和包装检查Non-conforming part arriveInfluencing assemblycustomer plant.影响装配不符合的产品运到客户处71.Not finished machining partwill be put to finishedmachining product1.没加工完的产品放到加工完2的产品2.Similar product miss mixtogether2.相似的产品错混放在一起1.Re-layout, input, packaging and output atspecial place, and fence out the area;1.在特定区域进货、检查、包装出货1.According to the packing instruction1.根据包装指引进行操作2.Check part 100% by special gauge2.包装前用专用检具对产品100%检查798None无11 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1

FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (失效模式及后果分析)Part Description(产品名称) :Model /Vehicle车型/车辆 :Designer设计负责人:Core Functional Team多功能小組:CC副本:NO序号Process Function(Step)项目/功能Potential Failure Modes(process defects)潜在失效模式Potential Failure Effects 潜在失效后果SEV严重度Clsas分类Potential Causes of Failure 潜在失效起因OCC频度Current Process Controls Prevention现行预防设计控制Current Process Controls Detection现行探测设计控制DET探测度RPN序风数险顺Recommend Actions建议措施Responsible Person& Target Date 责任人和目标完成日期TakenActions采取措施SEV严重度OCC频度DETRPNPart No产品编号: Rev版本: AKey Date关键日期:D/PFMEA Date设计/过程制作日期:Issue No.产品编号 :Date (Rev.) 日期(修订)Page 页数:Prepared By编制人: Qin RongLe Approved By批准:Rev版本: A1 探序风测数险顺度Influencing appearance影响外观6Product have cold flow, non-fill, deformation, porosity,scratches、dents on2machining surface产品有冷格,成形不良,变形、砂孔以及加工面有刮花。All process operator check productappearace 100% by visual每个工序的员工都要100%的检查产品的外观Operator check product appearace 100%by visual员工100%的检查产品的外观784None无Storage贮存130missed parts(whole box)产品混货(整箱)Storage reject parts仓库拒收71. foreign parts;2. paste the wrong label;1. 将其它产区整箱混入;2. 贴条形码时出错;21. storage the parts at special areas;1. 特定区域存放产品;2. check the sign before paste the label;2. 贴条形码前须先确认与产品一致;Visual inspection during storage进仓时进行目视检查798None无Packing damage包装损坏Product drop out duringtransport运输过程中产品掉出来7Stacking method is wrong.堆放方式错误2Accord as packing instruction按包装指引包装Visual inspection during storage进仓时进行目视检查798None无150Part delivery产品交付Part delivery to incorrectlocation交付至错误地点Customer lack of part in theassembly line 客户装配在线缺少产品7Wrong description in theshipping mark条码描述错误2Check the number between shipping markand order.对条码与定单进行对比Visual inspection during delivery走货时进行目视检查798None无12 of 12QR/TD-16 B/1
