Choosing the perfect present for your loved ones can be stressful especially for that special
someone. What do women really think of the gifts they receive this time of the year? What is she really going to think? What's going though her head. Joining us today to talk about how she interprets your gifts, is the editor-in-chief of James Bassil.
James, thanks so much for joining us. This is pertinent information because I think all of us men have been in a situation when we've given a gift, we've got that strange look, like, maybe she doesn't like it。
Strange look generally isn’t a good look.
Right, you know, it's very familiar territory and we’ll delve into that in a moment. But first the website, because really this is one of those websites where if you are a man, and you've got any question about being a man, basically you can go there, right? Yes, we have the answers to all questions that guys have. All questions men put.
We have run seven million readers a month. (Yeah). And we deal with advice in every area that could be of interest to you guys. So…
And who is giving out the advice, man or woman?
Er, as for the most parts, man. Most of our writers and editors are men, but when it comes to the dating stuff, we’d like to get the woman’ s point of view in there too, because they know what they want. Right?
It's important, right, so if you've got a question, you’re afraid to ask your wife or girlfriend, go to the website. You'll get some advice. And do it anonymously.Exactly.
Well we mention this whole thing about interpreting gifts, what's that all about?
Well, if you think about (that) you give your girlfriend two gifts a year that she knows she's gonna get, (right), so you can bet that she is thinking about and then anticipating (that) there is some buildup to it, so once she has received it, you wanna make sure that you deliver that, you meet the expectations that she generated.
Got you, very good. OK, let's run the gamut of possible gifts for Christmas (OK). Just we've covered all the basis. The logical gift, of course, the one women seem to like the most is bling, jewelry. Is that a safe bet?
Yes, it can be a safe bet, and in an established relationship it can be a very safe bet, and I specify \"established\" because if you do it too early in a relationship that’s gonna send a message that you might not wanna give,(Yes) or she might not wanna get. (OK) It symbolizes commitment and it's a serious gift, jewelry. So if you do it a little too early it might create some miscommunication. What if it’s just subtle jewel? It doesn't have to be diamond ring, maybe something, you know, a gold or a little more low-key.
Yeah, I think you wanna be generally subtle and a little discreet about it. Don't just depend on the flash value of it (Right). But most importantly, tailor for her. Make sure, say, that's in keeping with her tastes. Look at the other jewelries that she owns and her clothes that really put that kind of thought into it.
So if you’ve been going out for a couple of months, don't rush out to the jewelry store. Get back from the jewelry store. You are gonna scare her off. (Exactly.) Alright, perfume, another logical gift. 整理笔记:
pertinent: Having logical precise relevance to the matter at hand = relevant put question to sb: 向某人提出问题
buildup: a.Widely favorable publicity, especially by a systematic campaign b.Extravagant praise
run the gamut of: include everything within a group or type bling: (Slang.) ostentatious jewellery
low-key: not intended to attract a lot of attention
tailor: 来自tailor-made, to be completely suitable for someone or something. 中文里面叫\"量体裁衣\"