

2024-10-18 来源:威能网
反激变压器Flyback transformer design(DCM Mode) Illustration:

Step 1:The turns ratio of primary and secondary

When Q is on, the dropped voltage across the primary is VLVI1. From the ohms-law

VLVI1Ldi(t) dtVI1ti(0) LSo, the i(t) can be described as i(t)IF the flyback is operated at discontinuous mode, i(0)0. So,

VI(min)1V1i(t)It. It leads to IPTon


When Q is off state, the diode at secondary side is turn on and the mirror voltage will reflect to the primary side

NNVPPVS . The voltage VSVo1. That is VPP(Vo1).



So, the transistor is sustained the voltage stress Vms

VmsVIVPVI(max)NP(Vo1) NSThe turn ratio of

Step 2:

NPVmsVI(max) NSVo1 The core must be guaranteed not to saturated. The voltage-time product of

“on-time” must be equal to “off-time”. That is

NPVi(minTV1Tr )onoNSand the circuit must be remained in discontinuous mode.

TonTrTtdT TonTr0.8T NP(0.8TTon)NS

NPNP(VI(min)1(Vo1))TonVo10.8TNSNS(VI(min)1)Ton(Vo1)NP0.8TNSso, Ton

NPVI(min)1(Vo1)NS(Vo1)step 3: Determine the inductance LP of primary

When the transistor is “on”, the energy storage in the primary is equal to W1W122LPIP joules. So, the input power PinLPIP 2T2Tnow, the efficiency is assumed to 80%, we have

(VI(min)1)22VI(min)11112Pin1.25PoLPIPLPTonLPTon 22T2TLP2TLP2That is LP2(VI(min)1)2Ton2.5PoT

Step 4: The primary wire turns VPVI(max)1NPAeVI(max)1Ton8B810  NP10 TonAeBStep 5: The secondary wire turns


VI(max)1Vo1NP NSStep 6:The primary rms current and wire size must be calculated. From the rms formula of the primary is IprmsTonI12i(t)dtP and the T3TIPTTonNp12rms formula of the secondary is Isrms i(t)dtTTNs3And wire size is specified by 300~500 circular miles per rms ampere



TNS32837. So, when the primary and secondary wire miles are larger fstep 5: considered the skin effect. skin depth Sthan skin depth, more wire numbers will be better a single larger wire size The parallel of primary wire numbers are nsfix(s) and the secondary wire s1numbers are ns

fix(s)。 s13

Flyback transformer design(CCM Mode) Illustration:

Step 1:The turns ration of primary and secondary

When Q is off state, the diode at secondary side is turn on and the mirror voltage will reflect to the primary side

NNVPPVS . The voltage VSVo1. That is VPP(Vo1).

NSNSSo, the transistor is sustained the voltage stress Vms

VmsVIVPVI(max)NP(Vo1) NSStep 2:

The core must be guaranteed not to saturated. The voltage-time product of “on-time” must be equal to “off-time”. That is

NPVi(minTV1Toff )onoNSand the circuit must be remained in continuous mode. That is, TonToffT So,

Vi(minT)onVo1NP(TTon). NSNPTNsIt leads to Ton

NPVI(max)(Vo1)NS(Vo1)step 3: Determine the inductance LP of primary

TIcprTonIcsrtoffFrom above fig. the output power is given

ToffTPoVoIcsrVoIcsr(1on) That is IcsrTTThe input power is given



TPin1.25Po(VI(min)1)Icpron That is IcprT1.25PoT(VI(min)1)onT

Considered the boundary condition between the DCM mode and CCM mode, the following condition is satisfied


2The slop of the ramp dIP is given as


So, the inductance of the primary is


Step 4:The primary rms current and wire size must be calculated.

TFrom the rms formula of primary IprmsIcpronT1.25PoTon

TonT(VI(min)1)TAnd wire size is specified by 300~500 circular miles per rms ampere


From the rms formula of primary IrmssIcsrToffTPoToffTTVo1onT


step 5: considered the skin effect. skin depth S2837. So, when the primary and secondary wire miles are larger fthan skin depth, more wire numbers will be better a single larger wire size The parallel of primary wire numbers are nsfix(s) and the secondary wire s1 5

s)。 numbers are nsfix(s1Step 6: The primary wire turns VPVI(max)(VImax1)Ton108B81NPAe10  Np

Tonand NVsNpo1V


