The SL-2000 Series Smoke Duct Detector is the latest innovation for early detection of smoke and products of combustion present in air moving through HVAC ducts in Commercial, Industrial, and Residential applications. The unit is designed to prevent the recirculation or spread of smoke by air handling systems, fans, and blowers. Complete systems may be shut down in the event of smoke detection. The SL-2000
is designed and built to meet all local code requirements, as well as the NFPA
and ICC standards regarding HVAC supply and return duct smoke detectors. Output terminals are provided for a widerange of remote accessories such as horns, strobes, remote status indicators, and test/reset key switches or push buttons.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe SL-2000 includes many features that represent true innovations from current generation duct smoke detectors. Our traditional installer/servicer-friendly approach has been closely followed and expanded throughout the SL-2000. This philosophy provides a QHZOHYHORIHIÀFLHQF\\LQDIWHUSXUFKDVHYDOXHWRERWKthe installer/servicer and end-user. Our attention to detail has yielded a host of “No-Tools Required” features, as well as a multi-application performance CSFM LISTEDMEAACCEPTEDlevel as yet unmatched in the industry. Innovative product combined with unsurpassed customer
service equals the right combination for all of your projects. The key features below detail many of the customer-driven innovations incorporated in the SL-2000 Series.
FEATURESVLow-Flow Technology: Both Ionization and Photoelectricmodels listed for velocities between 100-4000 ft./minVBoth models listed for high-temperature applicationsVOperating voltages: 230VAC, 115VAC, 24VAC, 24VDCVInterconnect up to 30 units for common functionsVPatent pending “No-Tools Required” front or rear loading and removing sampling/exhaust tubes
VPatent pending “Test Port Valve” allows for aerosol smoke testing without cover removal
VInstantaneous cover removal trouble indicationVStaggered terminal blocks for easier wiringVFlashing LED on detector head indicates normal operation
VMagnet test capability (magnet included)VMore wiring space than competitive models
VOver 15 remote accessories available
VDuct wall gaskets on back of enclosure are pre-installed
VCompatible with the WP-2000 weatherproof enclosureVReset switch is also an alarm test switch - competitive models require a magnet or cover removal to test at unitVUnit includes green pilot and red alarm visual indicatorsVExternal mounting tabs do not require cover removal to install
VColored cover gasket indicates proper cover sealVUL, CUL, CSFM, and MEA Listed
VCompact, lightweight size means easy handling, lower shipping costs
VTwo sets of 10A form “C” alarm contactsVOne set of 2A form “A” alarm contactsVOne set of 10A form “C” trouble contactsVLarge terminal connection screws
VStandard interchangeable “plug-in” UL268 photoelectric or ionization heads
VComplete wiring details permanently attached to unit
Air Products and Controls Inc.1749 E. HighwoodPontiac, MI 48340(248) 332-3900 Phone(888) 332-2241 Toll free(248) 332-8807
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WIRINGPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSMODEL NUMBER:DETECTOR MODEL NUMBER:SAMPLING TUBES:ACCESSORIES:POWER REQUIREMENTS: (without accessories) Standby: Alarm:SL-2000-NIonization: 230VAC, 115VAC, 24VAC, 24VDCSL-2000-P Photoelectric: 230VAC, 115VAC, 24VAC, 24VDCSL-2000-N55000-225APOSL-2000-P 55000-328APOSTN-1.0Sampling tube for 12\" or less duct widthSTN-2.5Sampling tube for 6\" to 2.5' duct widthSTN-5.0Sampling tube for 2.5' to 5.0' duct widthSTN-10.0Sampling tube for 5.0' to 10.0' duct widthMS- and MSR-Series remote accessories, WP-2000 weatherproof enclosure, TG-2000 aerosol test gas, and T-PB power supplies(All available from Air Products and Controls Inc.)230VAC8 mA115VAC 14 mA24VAC 55 mA24VDC 14 mA230VAC 18 mA115VAC 32 mA24VAC 190 mA24VDC 68 mAResistive load: 2 sets form “C” rated at 10 Amps @ 115VAC Resistive load: 1 set form “A” rated at 2 AmpsResistive load: 1 set form “C” rated at 10 Amps @ 115VAC100 to 4,000 ft./min.SL-2000-N)WR)&WR&SL-2000-P)WR)&WR&5+#&)1RQ&RQGHQVLQJ1RQ)UHH]LQJSolid or stranded: #12 to #22 AWG terminals8/&8//LVWHG8/$852;852;)LOH6&6)0/LVWHGMEA Accepted (73-92-E; VOL. 27)Grey plastic backbox, clear plastic cover (Makrolon 94V-0)13 ½\" L x 4 ½\" W x 2 ¼\" H2 ½ lbs.)RUSL-2000-N (Ionization) Americium 241; 0.9 Micro-CurieDo not expose to corrosive atmospheres7\" exhaust tube, sampling tube end cap, mounting template, test magnet, and mounting hardware includedRELAY CONTACT RATING: Alarm Contacts: Trouble Contacts:AIR VELOCITY:AMBIENT TEMPERATURE:+80,',7<WIRING:$33529$/6MATERIAL:DIMENSIONS:MAX. NET WT.:5$',2$&7,9((/(0(17HARDWARE:• Air duct smoke detectors shall be Air Products and Controls Inc. SL-2000 Series. For ionization detectors the model number is SL-2000-N. •For photoelectric detectors the model number is SL-2000-P. The detectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories per UL 268A. •The detectors shall operate at air velocities from 100 feet per minute to 4,000 feet per minute and at temperatures of no greater than 140°F (60°C). •Visual indication of alarm and power must be provided on the detector front. •A manual reset switch shall be located on front of the device.'HWHFWRUKHDGVKDOOQRWUHTXLUHDGGLWLRQDOÀOWHUVRUVFUHHQVZKLFKPXVWEHPDLQWDLQHGDQGVKDOOLQFOXGHERWKDVWDQGE\\DQGDODUPYLVXDOLQGLFDWLRQ•The housing shall contain a detector base which will accept photoelectric or ionization detector heads.•Terminal connections shall be of the screw type, a minimum of #6 screw (#12 to #22 AWG compatible). Terminals shall be provided for remote pilot, remote alarm indications, strobe/horn, and remote test/reset switch. All wiring must comply with local codes and regulations.•A method of testing the alarm function with a magnet must be provided.•A method of smoke testing the detector without removing the cover must be provided.$OOXQLWUHPRWHDFFHVVRU\\DQGFRPPRQIXQFWLRQFRQQHFWLRQGHVLJQDWLRQVPXVWEHSHUPDQHQWO\\DIÀ[HGWRWKHXQLW•Cover and sampling/exhaust tube installation or removal must not require the use of tools.•Capability for interconnection of up to 30 units shall be provided for common functions.•Sample and exhaust tubes shall be capable of removal/installation from the front and/or rear of the detector for inspection/maintenance.NOTICE:7KHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGLQWKLVGRFXPHQWLVLQWHQGHGRQO\\DVDVXPPDU\\DQGLVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH7KHSURGXFWVGHVFULEHGKDYHVSHFL¿Finstructional/installation documentation, which covers various technical, approval, code, limitation and liability information. Copies of this documentation along with any gen-eral product warning and limitation documents, which also contain important information, are provided with the product and are also available from Air Products and Controls Inc. The information contained in all of these documents should be considered before specifying or using the products. Any example applications shown are VXEMHFWWRWKHPRVWFXUUHQWHQIRUFHGORFDOQDWLRQDOFRGHVVWDQGDUGVDSSURYDOVFHUWL¿FDWLRQVDQGRUWKHDXWKRULW\\KDYLQJMXULVGLFWLRQ$OORIWKHVHUHVRXUFHVDVZHOODVWKHVSHFL¿FPDQXIDFWXUHURIDQ\\VKRZQRUPHQWLRQHGUHODWHGHTXLSPHQWVKRXOGEHFRQVXOWHGSULRUWRDQ\\LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ)RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQRUDVVLVWDQFHFRQFHUQLQJthe products, contact Air Products and Controls Inc. Air Products and Controls Inc. reserves the right to change any and all documentation without notice.ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS SPECIFICATIONS© Air Products and Controls Inc. 2007DS-DU-1 G070206