

2024-10-18 来源:威能网
contrast medium;比照剂 对于人体缺乏自然比照的脏器,人为将高于或低于靶器官物质引入体内,使之产生比照显示病变,称为造影检查。引入的这种物质叫比照剂。在某些组织之间,由于缺乏天然比照,组织间显示不清,在血管里引入某种物质,增强该组织与病变或与其他组织之间的密度差,从而使其显影。这种物质叫做比照剂。

partial volume effect;部分容积效应 CT扫描层面具有一定厚度,而图像是将三维转换成二维,在同一扫描层面内含有两种或两种以上的不同密度的组织相互重叠时,实际所测得的CT值不能真实反映其中任何一种物质的CT值,作为每一像素,只能显示体素内均值,这种现象叫部分容积效应。CT扫描层面具有一定的厚度,而图像是把三维转换成二维的。在同一扫描层面上,当有两种或两种以上密度的组织重叠时,其CT值不能反映其中任何一种物质的CT值,而是该体素的平均值,这种现象叫部分容积效应。

CT value;CT值 体素的相对X线衰减度,即该体素组织对X线的吸收系数,单位为亨氏单位〔HU〕。人体组织被分成了2000个密度等分,水的CT值为0,空气为-1000HU,骨皮质为+1000HU。

artifact;伪影 伪影是指在扫描或信息处理的过程中,某一种或几种原因而出现的人体本身不存在,而图像中却显示出来的各种不同类型的影响。它降低了图像质量,易造成误诊。可以分为病人因素和CT设备因素造成的两大类伪影。

molecular imaging;分子影像 是在活体状态下,应用影像学在分子水平上对细胞生物过程进行定性和定量研究,探查疾病过程中机体细胞分子异常。


Chiari malformation;小脑扁桃体下疝畸形: 为先天性后脑畸形,表现为小脑扁桃体及下蚓部疝入椎管内,脑桥与延髓扭曲延长,部分延髓下移。

hydrocephalus;脑积水: 是脑脊液在脑室系统的过量积聚,引起脑室系统部分或全部扩大,导致颅内压升高,并发一系列临床症状。

lacunar infarction;腔隙性梗死: 是脑深部小的穿通动脉供血区域的小梗死灶,多由小的穿通动脉本身疾病或栓塞等原因所致。以其本身动脉粥样硬化造成的动脉阻塞最常见。

dural tail sign;脑膜尾征 :脑膜尾征是在增强扫描中,部分脑膜瘤由于邻近脑膜增生增厚,出现线条样强化,超出肿瘤与硬膜相连的范围,向周围延伸,随着远离肿瘤而变细。

lung fields;肺野: 是X后前位胸片上,自纵膈肺门向外的透光区域。

lung markings;肺纹理: 主要由肺动脉、肺静脉影构成,其他结构如支气管壁、支气管动静脉、淋巴管和肺间质亦参与,表现为自肺门向外周放射状分布的树枝状阴影。立位时下肺野纹理较粗。

hila;肺门: 主要由肺动静脉构成,支气管和淋巴管也参与构成的阴影。位于双肺野中内带。 secondary pulmonary lobule;次级肺小叶: 是指小叶性细支气管远端的所有结构,为肺实质中被结缔组织间隔包围的最小肺组织单位。切面大致呈圆锥型,尖端指向肺门,底向胸膜。

interlobular septum;小叶间隔: 是包绕肺小叶的纤维结缔组织,内有肺静脉和淋巴管分支。 lobular parenchyma;小叶实质: 是位于小叶核与小叶间隔之间,包括有小气管、肺动静脉分支供给的肺泡、毛细血管床,是功能性肺实质。

consolidation;肺实变 : 终末肺支气管以远的寒气腔隙内的气体,被病理性液体、渗出物、细胞、组织等替代后形成的实变。

lobulation;分叶征: X线、CT、MRI图像中,结节或肿块边缘深浅不一的凹陷。状如桑葚。病理基础为肿瘤组织在生长过程中因肿瘤细胞的生长速度不同,导致肿块的不均匀生长。同时由于较大的血管、支气管对病灶生长的阻挡,小叶间隔纤维限制了肿瘤的生长,从而表现为深浅不一的凹陷。

spiculation;毛刺征 :结节或肿块的边缘不光滑,可见多少不等,长短不一的毛刺,较僵硬。病理基础为肿瘤或炎症浸润使结缔组织反应性增生,导致的纤维条索影向周围肺实质内辐射,一般来说,炎症浸润表现为细长毛刺,而肿瘤浸润多为短粗毛刺。

cavity;空洞 :肺内病变组织液化坏死后经支气管引流排出后形成的空洞。可有薄壁空洞、厚壁空洞和虫蚀样空洞。

intrapulmonary air containing space;肺内空腔 :肺实质内生理性腔隙的病理性扩张,如肺大泡、支气管囊肿等

subpleural lines;胸膜下线 :位于胸膜下1cm内,厚约数毫米,约2~5cm长的,与胸廓曲线一致的弧形线状高密度影。其病理基础为广泛的小叶间隔增厚相连而成。常见于支气管扩张、石棉肺、肺纤维化、肺水肿等。

inverted S curve sign;反S征 :X胸片上右肺门肿块压迫或直接侵犯右上叶支气管,使其闭塞导致右上肺不张,体积缩小。右肺门肿块和右上肺不张形成的征象。

ground-glass opacity;磨玻璃样改变 :肺内密度增高的模糊影,肺纹理可见,其内的支气管血管束仍可显示。病理基础为气腔的部分填充、间质增厚、部分肺泡塌陷正常呼气或毛细血管容量等,但仍保持其血管和支气管的结构。见于各种炎症肺水肿、出血、纤维化和周围型肺小腺癌等。

tuberculoma;结核球: 被纤维结缔组织包围的结核性干酪病变或结核性肉芽肿,直径大于2cm者称为~。图像上为边界清晰的类圆形结节,密度较高,内常有钙化、裂隙样或新月样空洞。周围可见结核灶。

pulmonary venous stasis;肺淤血 :肺静脉血液回流障碍,致肺静脉压力升高及血管扩张。X线上表现为肺野中外带细小纹理增多,肺野透光度减低。

Kerley A line; 多位于肺野上中部出现的小叶间隔水肿形成的小叶间隔线,,由周边引向肺门,形态不整齐,与肺纹理走行不一致,约长3~4cm,宽约0.5~1.0mm。常见于急性左心衰。

Kerley B line; 位于肋膈角,水平横行,长约2cm宽约1mm。它是由小叶间淋巴回流受阻导致水肿液潴留造成,增厚的小叶间隔与X线呈切线时的投影。是最常见的Kerley线。常见于二尖瓣狭窄和慢性左心衰。

Kerley C line; 网格状,多见于中部和底部。常见于肺静脉高压明显加重者。

tetralogy of Fallot;法洛四联症 由室间隔缺损,肺动脉狭窄,右心室肥厚,主动脉骑跨四种病变同时存在的先天性复杂心血管畸形。

MRCP;MR〔磁共振〕胰胆管成像 是MR水成像的一种。采用长TR,长TE的重T2加权快速自旋回波序列加脂肪抑制技术,从而使体内静态或缓慢流动的液体呈现高信号,从而使实质性器官和快速流动的液体呈低信号的技术。是显示胰管的好检查方法。 利用MR水成像原理,将含水较多的胆管、胰管显示,并重建为二维或三维立体图像,能清晰地显示胆、胰管的空间结构。

peripheral nodular enhancement;边缘结节样强化 是肝海绵状血管瘤在动脉期出现的病灶边缘显著强化,强化程度类似于腹主动脉。这种强化现象叫~。

centripetal enhancement pattern;向心性强化 是海绵状血管瘤动脉期出现边缘结节样强化后,随着扫描时间的推移,病灶强化逐渐向中间扩展,强化范围逐渐扩大,相互融合。

faint rim-like enhancement;淡薄的环状强化 是大多数少血供肝肿瘤的强化方式。病灶中心区域强化不明显或稍有强化,密度/信号低于正常肝组织,而病灶周围呈现浅淡的环状强化。

tumor stain;肿瘤染色 是指与周围正常肝区相比,肿瘤内血液循环缓慢,比照剂廓清延迟,表现为毛细血管期或实质期结节样密度增高影。

retroperitoneal space;腹膜后间隙 是指位于腹膜壁层后部分与腹后壁腹横筋膜之间的、上达横隔、下至盆腔的一个立体间隙。

niche;barium spot;龛影;钡龛影 在进行X现钡餐造影时,消化道内壁缺损处被钡剂填充的直接投影。〔胃肠道壁上或者凹陷到达一定程度后,被钡剂填充,切线位可见一局限于腔内/外的恒定钡影。〕

filling defect;充盈缺损 指在钡剂造影时,由于病变向腔内突出形成肿块,即在管腔内形成占位性病变,所以造成局部造影剂缺损。常见于肿瘤或增生性炎症引起的肿块。

tertiary contraction;第三蠕动波/第三收缩波 是在食管环状肌的局限性不规则收缩性运动,形成波浪状或锯齿状边缘。呈对称性,出现突然,消失迅速,多发生在食管下段。在进行X线吞钡时容易见到。多见于老年人或食管贲门失缓和症。

collar sign;项圈征 龛影口部的宽约5~10mm的透明带。由粘膜水肿造成。 Hampton line;粘膜线 为龛影口部宽约1~2mm的光滑透明线。由粘膜水肿造成

converging folds;黏膜纠集 是黏膜皱襞从四周向病变区集中,达口部边缘并逐渐变窄,呈车辐状或放射状。常因慢性溃疡周围的瘢痕收缩造成。

incisura;痉挛切迹 小弯溃疡在大弯壁上相对应处出现一个光滑的凹陷。是胃溃疡引起的功能性改变。

penetrating ulcer;穿透性溃疡 当慢性溃疡深达浆膜层是,成为~。龛影深而大,深度和宽度都大多超过1cm以上,口部有较宽大透亮带。

perforating ulcer;穿孔性溃疡 当慢性溃疡穿破浆膜层,称为~。龛影大,如囊袋状,可见气钡二层或气液钡三层。

callous ulcer;胼胝性溃疡 溃疡周围伴有见识的纤维结缔组织增生者,称为~。龛影大,但直径不超过2cm,深度不超过1cm,有较宽透明带伴黏膜纠集。

stepladderlike air fluid level阶梯状气液平 是单纯性小肠梗阻的X线特征。在立位腹部平片上表现为梗阻近侧的肠区胀气扩张,呈弓形或门拱形或U形,弓形肠区两端的液面可处于不同高度,多个弓形肠区液面在腹部自左向右下平行排列成阶梯状。

free pneumoperitoneum;游离气腹 是各种原因导致腹腔内存在游离气体,称为~,且随体位改变而移动。游离气腹可作为消化道穿孔的一个依据。

IVP;静脉肾盂造影 又称排泄性尿路造影。其原理是静脉注射有机碘化物的水溶液,经肾小球滤过而排入肾盏肾盂内,使肾盏、肾盂、输尿管、膀胱内腔显影的一种检查方法。该方法不仅能显示尿路形态,还能大致了解双肾的排泄功能。

MRU;磁共振尿路造影 是MR水成像的一种。利用尿液中游离水的T2值要明显长于其他组织器官,因此重T2WI检查时仍呈高信号,背景皆为低信号,采用冠、矢状位成像或用MIP进行三维重建,可获得与X线尿路造影相似的图像。主要适用于逆行肾盂造影失败或对碘剂过敏者,了解尿路梗阻的部位和原因。

extra-renal pelvis;肾外肾盂 指肾盂位置有较大变异,完全位于肾门之外。

vesicoureteral reflux;膀胱输尿管反流 在逆行膀胱造影时显示,表现为比照剂由膀胱反流至输尿管内。可为先天异常、尿道梗阻、感染等多种因素所致。

Gerota's fascia;肾筋膜 由腹膜外组织移行而来。是腹膜后间隙划分的解剖标志。以其为中心,腹膜后间隙可以分成5个部分:肾旁前间隙,肾旁后间隙,肾周间隙,中线大血管区域,盆腹膜外间隙。

renal duplication;肾重复畸形 又称为肾盂输尿管重复畸形,指一侧肾由两个相对独立的肾融合而成,两条输尿管可完全别离,分别进入膀胱,也可在不同水平汇合成一条输尿管。常发生肾积水、肾功能不良,是上泌尿道最常见的先天畸形。

fused kidney;肾融合畸形 两侧肾在发育过程中,发生两肾部分在中线相互融合。任何部分都可发生融合,最常见的为下极融合,形成马蹄肾。肾融合畸形常发生结石、积水和肾炎而表现出相应的症状和体征。

osteoporosis;骨质疏松 是指单位体积内正常钙化的骨组织减少,即有机成分和无机成分都减少。骨皮质变薄,骨小梁变细,中央管扩大。广泛性骨质疏松常见于老年人、绝经后妇女、营养不良、代谢障碍性疾病等。局部骨质疏松见于废用性、急性化脓性骨髓炎早期等。

osteomalacia;骨质软化 指单位体积内骨组织的有机成分正常,钙盐含量减少,导致骨质变软,易发生变形,尤其以负重部位如脊柱、盆骨为重。常见于佝偻病、骨质软化症等代谢性疾病。

destruction of bone;骨质破坏 指局部骨质被病理组织所取代造成的骨组织消失。可因病理组织本身或病变引起破骨细胞活跃造成。见于炎症、肉芽肿、肿瘤、肿瘤样变等。

periosteal reaction;骨膜反应 又称骨膜增生,指骨膜受到刺激,骨膜内层的成骨细胞活动增加,形成骨膜新生骨。多见于炎症、肿瘤、外伤、骨膜下出血。

osteonecrosis;骨坏死 由局部骨组织代谢停止所致,坏死的骨称为死骨。多见于慢性化脓性骨髓炎、骨缺血性坏死、骨结核、骨折后、服用激素后等。

intra-articular loose body;关节内游离体 是由骨端撕脱性骨质的骨碎片、滑膜面脱离的滑膜性骨软骨瘤、半月板撕裂等进入关机内所形成。游离体可为骨性、软骨性、纤维性或混合性。

关节退行性病变: 关节软骨发生变性退化,骨性关节面发生变形,经常磨损使得软骨和骨质碎裂,脱落入关节腔内,形成~。膝关节较多见。X线表现为关节内源性或椭圆形骨块。

greenstick fracture;青枝骨折 由于儿童、青少年的骨质有机成分多,骨质韧,发生骨折时可出现仅部分骨皮质皱褶、扭曲或断裂,而剩下部分骨皮质保持连续,如同新发树枝被折而未断,称为青枝骨折。

epiphyseal fracture;骺离骨折 儿童骨骺尚未与干骺端愈合,外力作用于骨骼时,可引起骨骺与干骺端别离,即~。

bamboo spine;竹节状脊柱 是由于炎症引起纤维环以及前纵韧带骨化,X线上表现如同竹节。是强直性脊柱炎的X线表现之一。

IVR;介入放射学〔IR〕 是以印象诊断为基础,在医学影像学设备的引导下,利用穿刺针、导管以及其他介入器材导入到病人的病变部位,进行诊断和治疗的临床应用学科。

TAI;经导管动脉灌注术 是经导管向靶血管内注入药物而到达治疗目的的技术,主要用于动脉系统。

TAE;经导管血管栓塞术 是经导管向靶血管内注入栓塞剂使靶血管暂时性或永久性闭塞而到达治疗目的的技术。

TIPS;经颈静脉肝内门体静脉分流术 是用于治疗肝硬化门脉高压的一项介入性治疗技术,集穿刺、血管成行和支架置入等多项介入技术为一体。

PTA经皮经腔血管成形术 是采用导管技术扩张或再通各种原因所致的血管狭窄或闭塞性病变的方法。包括经皮经腔血管球囊扩张术和内支架置入术。

Accessory lobe: additional pleura extending into the pulmonary segments, forming additional pulmonary lobe. The most commonly seen are azygos lobe in the inner zone superior to the right hilum, and inferior accessory lobe in the inner zone of inferior lobe.

Air bronchogram sign : Because the air in the alveoli is replaced by exudates, while the air in the bronchus is not displaced and remain patent. This produces contrast between the air in the bronchial tree and the surrounding airless parenchyma.

Ankylosis of joint: bony or fibrous tissues connect the articular surface. In plain film, it is characterized by a narrowed articular space. Whether the trabeculae pass through the articular space distinguishes bony or fibrous ankylosis.

Artificial contrast:Those organs or spaces lack of natural contrast,can be renderde to be visible by means of contrast agents to create an artificial contrast.

Bone destruction: localized absence of normal bone tissue and replaced by pathological tissues. Both the cortical and spongy bone are destructed because of either the absorption of bone tissues or the activation of osteoclasts by the pathological tissue. In plain film, it appears to be a decrease in bone density locally, absence of normal bone tissue, and probably worm-eaten or sievelike cortical bone.

Cavity: formed as a result of the expulsion of necrotic tissues through bronchus. It can be devided into worm-eaten, thin-walled, and thick-walled cavities. often seen in TB, pulmonary abscess, and lung cancer.

Codman’ triangle: Codman’ triangle is due to direct erosion of the already formed periosteal new bone by fast growing tumor.

Colles’ fracture : The fracture line is within 2-3cm from the articular end of the radius, the distal fragment is displaced dorsally and radially and is often associated with fracture of the styloid process of the ulna and separation of the radioulnar joint.

CTR: the ratio between maximal transverse diameter of the heart: summation of maximal diameter from left and right margin of the heart respectively to the mid line, and maximal width of the thorax: a horizontal line passing through the right diaphragmatic apex between inner edges of the thorax. maximum in adults: 0.5 Degeneration of joint: degenerated and necrotic articular cartilage, replaced by fibrous tissues gradually. When the bony surface is involved, it can cause hyperostosis of the bone, which leads to rough articular surface, formation of osteophyte, and ossification of ligament. It is often seen in weight-bearing or frequently used joints.

Destruction of bone: Bone tissue elimination caused by sclerotin partly substituted with pathologic organism. Roentgenologically,it shows osteolytic bone areas of decreased density and loss of bone structures.

Double contour: On PA film, the right border of an enlarged left atrium may produce an extra shadow superimposed on the right cardiac border, giving a double contour.

Dural tail sign:which is a thickening of the dura adjacent to an intracranial pathology on contrast-enhanced T1 MR Images, was first thought to be pathognomonic of meningioma

Early gastric cancer : Early gastric cancer is define as carcinoma limited to the mucosa and submucosa regardless of the presence or absence of lymph node involvement.

Epiphyseal fracture: occurs in children’s long bone, for the epiphysis has not linked with metaphysic, so they may separate when there is an external force acting. In plain film, the epiphysis and metaphysis are not in the normal place, or the epiphyseal plate is broader than normal. The fracture line does not exist.

Filling Defect: Filling defect is caused by a space occuping mass producing defect on the barium . Fracture: a complete/ incomplete break in the continuity of a bone or a cartilage. Incomplete fractures include crack ~ and greenstick ~. Complete fractures include transverse, oblique, vertical, spiral, fragmented, impacted, compression , and avulsion ~.

Greenstick Fracture:Greenstick fracture occur almost exclusively during infancy and childhood. It is not easy for external force to cause the bone cortex complete break because of its pliant, so this kind of fracture showed buckling of the cortex without fracture lines or a transver fracture occur in the cortex, extending into the midport of the bone and then orienting along the longitudinal axis of the bone without disrupting the opposite cortex.

Hilar dance: under fluorescence, there will be an obviously enhanced pulsation of the hilar arteries in pulmonary hypertension, seen in congenital heart diseases with left-to-right shunt.

Hyperostosis osteoscleroses: osteosclerosis is abnormal hardening or increased density of bone on radiographs Intrapulmonary air containing space: pathological distension of physiological space in the lung. It appears to be a round translucency with a smooth wall about 1mm in X-rays. such as bullae and air containing bronchial cysts.

Inverted S curve sign: PA film, atelectasis of the right superior lobe, elevated horizontal fissure, hilar mass, central bronchogenic carcinoma in the right superior lobe

Kerley line: pulmonary interstitial edema, formed due to thickening interalveolar septa in different area. A: stretching form the outer zone to the hilum obliquely, seen in acute LHF; B: in the costophrenic angle, 2-3cm long, stretches horizontally, seen in MS and chronic LHF; C: in the inferior field, netlike, seen in severe pulmonary venous hypertension.

Kidney Autonephretomy :The caseous lesion of renal tuberculosis can produce calcification, and even result in calcification of entire kidney called autonephritomy

Lung markings: consisting of pulmonary a.,v., bronchi, and lymph tissues. In plain film, it appears to be branch like shadow radiating outward from the hilum and disappear with a gradual reduction in size.

Niche: On profile, this unchanging collection of barium will project outside the confines of the stomach.

Osteomalacia: Osteomalacia is a group of disorders resulting from inadequate or delayed mineralization of osteoid in mature cortical and spongy byne. The radiographic changes are characterized by general marked decrease of bone density, thick cortex, the normal outline of the bone is blurred.

Osteonecrosis: Osteonecrosis occurs when metabolism of bone cells cease forever from local ischemia bone. The chief characteristic that is responsible for the radiographic definition of dead bone is its apparent increase in density.

Osteoporosis: refers to a decrease in normal bone tissue per unit volume, in which mineral and organic matters decrease in proportion, leaving a qualitatively normal but quantitatively deficient bone tissue. The deficient bone becomes more fragile and more vulnerable to fractures. In plain film, it appears to be a decrease in bone density generally, thin and sparse trabeculae, wide intertrabecular space, and a thinner and stratiform cortical bone. It often occurs in the elderly, menopause in women, and other circumstances such as tumor, infection, endocrine disorders, etc.

Osteosclerosis and Hyperostosis: refers to an increase in normal bone tissue per unit volume. In plain film, it appears to be an increase in bone density generally, with thickened cortex and trabeculae. The medullary space is narrowed or even vanished, and sometimes the cortical bone and spongy bone cannot be distinguished. It is usually seen in tumor, inflammation, and trauma.

Pancoast’s tumor: peripheral bronchogenic carcinoma in the apex. can infiltrate into neighboring vertebrae and ribs, involves cervical sympathetic nerve and cause Horner’s syndrome.

Periosteal reaction: when the periosteum is irritated pathologically, osteoblasts in the inner layer will be activated and produce sub-periosteal new bone. In plain film, it appears to be a high density shadow parallel to the cortex, with various patterns as linear, luminar, or lacelike. It usually indicates a destruction or injury of the bone.

Pleural indentation: V-shaped or cordlike, dense shadow between the mass and pleura, contraction of scar tissue in tumor, adenocarcinoma, bronchioalveolar carcinoma

Primary complex: a combination of primary pulmonary tuberculous focus, hilar tuberculous lymphangitis and lymphadenitis. forms a typical dumbbell-like X-ray image. Primary complex tuberculosis; The combination of the primary pulmonary tuberculous focus, lymphangitis and intrathoracic lymphadenitis is known as the primary complex tuberculosis. It occurs chiefly in children.

Schmorl’s nodule: Prolapse of the nucleus pulposus through the vertebral body endplate into the spongiosa of the vertebra, accompanied by responsive hyperostosis.

Stirlin sign: There is a lack of barium retention in a diseased segment of ileum and caecum but with a column of barium remains on either side of the affected area. This phemonenon may result from spasm, organic constracture of a combination of both. It is suggestive of tuberculosis of intestine.

Subpleural line: thickened adjacent interlobular septa connects together, dermatasclerosis, asbestosis The third pathologic arch: It may form a separate arch between the pulmonary segment and the left ventricle ,due to enlargement of the atrial appendage. It is called the third pathologic arch.

Tree-budded sign: bronchiolus, diffuse panbronchiolitis, bronchogenic dissemination
