
Spirit level

2024-10-18 来源:威能网

专利名称:Spirit level

发明人:OTTO, HANS-ULRICH申请号:EP90110780.5申请日:19900607公开号:EP0401815A1公开日:19901212


摘要:In a spirit level (1) consisting of a beam (2) which forms a housing (3) which has arectangular cross-section and whose side (2) surrounded by the lower transverse andlongitudinal edges (5, 6, 7) forms a positioning surface (8) which serves for horizontallylevelling a support, at least one of the adjoining vertical housing sides forming a bearing

surface (9) which can be placed against a rising surface, consisting further of air levels (14,19, 20) having an axis which is parallel to the positioning surface (8) and vertical, and of alight transmitter which is installed in the housing (3), preferably together with an electriccurrent source (37), it is provided according to the invention that the light transmitter is alaser beam transmitter (34) and is installed in the housing (3) in such a way that the laserbeam (79) extends parallel to the positioning and bearing surfaces (8, 9) in the

longitudinal direction of the spirit level through the housing (3), and emerges from theend face (17) thereof.


地址:HEBBELSTRASSE 20; D-4750 UNNA,Hebbelstrasse 20 D-59423 Unna DE


代理机构:Herrmann-Trentepohl, Werner, Dipl.-Ing.

