(1) 另外, $< 的意思是取得使用者的 stand input
(2) echo 若加上 -n 的选项,则游标会停留在该行最后
echo -n \"Input one color: \" set STOPLIGHT = $< switch ($STOPLIGHT) case red: echo \"red\" breaksw case orange: echo \"orange\" breaksw case green: echo \"green\" breaksw default:
echo \"you input $STOPLIGHT\" endsw
2. 利用 set 来取得变数, set ABC = \"I am ABC\" 也可以利用 `command` 来取得命令
且外,case 也可以用万用字元 * 来代替
set VER = `uname -r` switch ($VER) case 5.5:
echo \"run the setup of $VER\" breaksw case 5.3:
echo \"run the setup of $VER\" breaksw case 5.*:
echo \"like 5.x\" breaksw case 4.*:
echo \"like 4.x\" breaksw default:
echo \"no idea\" endsw
3. if 的语法,比较数字
set n1 = 1 set n2 = 2
if ($n1 == $n2) then
echo \"$n1 Equal $n2\" else
echo \"$n1 Not Equal $n2\" endif
4. if 的语法,比较字串
set n1 = abcdef set n2 = abcde
if ($n1 == $n2) then echo \"$n1 Equal $n2\" else
echo \"$n1 Not Equal $n2\" endif
5. if 的语法,比较相似的字串
set n1 = abcdef set n2 = abcde
if ($n1 =~ $n2) then echo \"$n1 Like $n2\" else
echo \"$n1 Not Like $n2\" endif
6. if 的语法,比较数字的大小
set n1 = 1 set n2 = 2
if ($n1 > $n2) then echo \"$n1 > $n2\" else
echo \"$n1 < $n2\" endif
7. 每分钟执行一次的程式
# mm 等于当天时间的【分钟】数 set mm = `date | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -d: -f2`
if ( -r $0.out ) then rm $0.out touch $0.out else
touch $0.out endif
while ( $mm <= 16 )
set mm = `date | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -d: -f2` echo \"$mm now is `date`\" sleep 60
#echo \"$mm now is `date`\" >> $0.out
echo \"Over\" >> $0.out
8. 一个回圈的范例,并且利用 expr 去作加的动作 回圈的语法如下: foreach number (1 2 3) echo $number end
set counter = 0
while ($counter <= 10)
echo \"sleeping for 5 seconds\" sleep 5
counter = `expr $counter + 1 ` end
9. 设定一个用当天月份与日期作为档案名称的程式 如今天是 10/02 , 则 $prefix 会等于 该程式 + 1002 date.csh1002
set prefix = `basename $0``date '+ %m%d'` echo $0 echo $prefix
10. 移除在 foreach 回圈内指定的档案内的 font 字串
foreach file ([b,e,g,h,s]*.html)
echo -n \"Processing $file, remove the line number `grep -n font $file`\"
# $log 表示这个 $file 有几个 font 字串 set log = `grep -c font $file` if ( $log == '0' ) then echo \ else
# 先找出该档案的第一次出现 font 的行数,如果 3,则 $cmd = 3d set cmd = `grep -n font $file | cut -d: -f1 | head -1`d
# 利用 sed 去执行删除的动作,并把结果输出到 ${file}1 sed $cmd $file > ${file}1
# 如果 ${file}1 没有资料,则 passing if ( -z ${file}1 ) then
echo \" , ${file}1 is zero\" else
cp ${file}1 $file rm {$file}1
echo \" , $file remove ok\" endif endif end
# 后来看过 sed 的更进一步用法,发现先前写的太笨了,试试这个 # sed /font/d $file > ${file}1
# 一次 OK, 我真是大笨蛋
11. 功能:将指定的档案中,出现第一次【回】的那一行,加上
foreach file (sky*.html) set filetitle = ftitle
# 主要部份为 sed 部份 s/^ *// 表示将该行第一个字元前的空白删除 echo \"
# 将刚刚那一行,再插回去 head -1 $file > ${file}head sed 1d $file > ${file}1 cat $ftitle >> ${file}head cat ${file}1 >> ${file}head cp ${file}head $file rm ${file}1 rm $ftitle
rm ${file}head
echo \"$file ok\" end
12. 一个实际建立一个 ftp server 的程式 里面包括许多应用,相当有参考价值 ( 未完成 )
set path = ( /usr/bin /usr/sbin ) #
set true = `grep -c ftp /etc/passwd` if ( $true == 0 ) then
echo \"no ftp user in your system\"
echo -n \"do you want to create the ftp user? \" set answer = $<
if ($answer == 'y' || $answer == 'Y') then
set maxid = `sort /etc/passwd | tail -1 | cut -d: -f3` echo $maxid
set newid = `expr $maxid + 1` echo $newid
echo \"/usr/sbin/useradd -d /home1/ftp -u $newid -s /etc/false ftp\" endif else
echo \"Good. Your system already has the ftp user. \" set ftphome = `grep ftp: /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6` echo $ftphome endif
if ( -z $ftphome ) then
echo \"ftphome must be non-null\" exit 2 endif
if ( $ftphome == \"/usr\" || $ftphome == \"/\" ) then echo \"ftphome can't be / or /usr\" exit 2 endif
# create the ftp home directory if ( ! -d $ftphome ) then echo \"mkdir $ftphome\" endif
echo \"Setting up the ftphome for SunOS `uname -r`\"
if ( ! -d $ftphome ) then
echo \"mkdir -p $ftphome/usr/bin\" endif
cp /bin/ls $ftphome/usr/bin
chmod 111 $ftphome/usr/bin/ls chown root $ftphome/usr/bin chmod 555 $ftphome/usr/bin
if ( -r $ftphome/bin ) then
mv -f $ftphome/bin $ftphome/Obin endif
ln -s usr/bin $ftphome
13. 取得该使用者的 UID
if ( $#argv == 0 ) then
echo \"$0 usage: $1 username\" exit 2 endif
set uid = `grep $1 /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3` echo $uid
14. 将指定档案内的 html 取代成 htm
foreach file ( *.html )
echo \"Processing $file ...\"
sed s/html/htm/ $file > ${file}1 cp ${file}1 $file rm ${file}1 end
15. 一个简简单单的范例,看看就好
#!/bin/csh -f echo .................
echo WELCOME to \\* TAPE COPY \\*
echo .................
echo Enter your name:
# $< can read from stand input set name = $< echo \" \"
echo Hi $name \\! set D = `date`
echo Today\\'s date is $D[1] $D[2] $D[3] if ($D[1] == Mon) then
echo -------------------------------------------------------------
echo Today is $D[1]day $name, it\\'s time to copy your directorys\\! echo ------------------------------------------------------------- else
echo ------------------------------------------------------------- echo Today is $D[1]day $name, no tape copies today\\! echo ------------------------------------------------------------- endif
16. 一个 finger 的程式
set FINGER = \"/usr/ucb/finger\"
if ( -x $FINGER ) then if ( $#argv == 0 ) then cat << TAG
--------------------------------- Hahahah ....
--------------------------------- TAG else
$FINGER \"$*\" endif else
echo \"Cannot find finger on this system.\" endif
17. 取得变数的方法
set W = `who -r` echo $W[9]
18. 更改档案名称,将 *.html --> *.htm
# rename *.html to *.htm
echo -n \"This will change *.html to *.htm. Can I continue ? (y/n) : \" set input = $<
if ( $input != \"y\" && $input != \"Y\" ) then echo \"Ok. Quit...\" exit 2 endif
foreach file ( *.html )
echo \"Processing $file to `basename $file .html`.htm \" mv $file `basename $file .html`.htm end
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. 更改档案名称,将 *.htm --> *.html
echo -n \"This will change *.htm to *.html. Can I continue ? (y/n) : \" set input = $<
if ( $input != \"y\" && $input != \"Y\" ) then echo \"Ok. Quit...\" exit 2 endif
# rename *.htm to *.html foreach file ( *.htm )
echo \"Processing $file to `basename $file .htm`.html \" mv $file `basename $file .htm`.html end
20. 将大写的档名改成小写的档名
tr string1 string2 会将 standard input 的字串, 所对应到的 string1, 都以 string2 取代
foreach file ( * )
mv $file `echo $file | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` end
21. 将小写的档名改成大写的档名
foreach file (*)
mv $file `echo $file | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'` end