conduct [kEn5dQkt] [义] v./n. 行为,举止 (syn.: direct, manage) [例] His conduct disagrees with his words.
[派] conduction n. 传导,传输 conductive adj. 传导的
[记] con(一起)+ duct(引导)→引导到一起→行为
[联] production n. 生产, 产品 reduction n. 减少;缩小 cone [kEun] [义] n. 圆锥体;松果
[例] an ice-cream cone confederate [kEn5fedEreit] [义] v. 联盟,同盟 n. 同盟国
[派] confederation n. 同盟,联盟 confederacy n. 联邦
[记] con(一起)+ fender(联邦)+ ate(动词后缀)→联盟
[联] federal adj. 联邦的, 联合的 federation n. 同盟, 联合 confer [kEn5fE:] [义] v. 商议,协商;授予 (syn.: consult, discuss) [例] The engineers and technicians are still conferring on the unexpected accident. [派] conference n. 会议
[记] con(一起)+ fer(带)→把意见带到一起→商讨
confess [kEn5fes] [义] v. 坦白,承认 (syn.: admit, acknowledge)
[例] When the police questioned the man, he confessed.
[派] confession n. 坦白 [联] profession n. 职业, 专业 configuration [kEn7figju5reiFEn] [义] n. 轮廓,结构
[例] plane configuration
[记] con(共同)+ figure(fig表示‘形状’)+ ation(名词后缀)
→轮廓,结构 confine [kEn5fain] [义] v. 限制 (syn.: enclose, restrain)
[例] The wild animals are confined in small cages in the zoo.
[派] confinement n. 限制
[记] con(加强)+ fine(fin表示‘界限’)→限制
[联] refine v. 精制, 使文雅高尚 define v. 定义, 详细说明 confirm [kEn5fE:m] [义] v. 证实,支持 (syn.: verify, prove0 [例] confirm one's belief [派] confirmation n. 证实,确信 confirmative adj. 确定的,证实的 [记] con(加强)+ firm(坚固的)→变得坚固→证实
[联] affirm v. 断言, 肯定 conflict [5kCnflikt] [义] v./n. 斗争,冲突 (syn.: battle, contest)
[例] Our political views conflict. [派] confliction n. 冲突,矛盾
[记] con(一起)+ flict(痛苦)→斗争双方都很痛苦→斗争
[联] afflict v. 使痛苦, 折磨 confluent [5kCnfluEnt] [义] adj. 合流的,汇流的
[派] confluence n. 合流,汇流 [联] flu n. 流感
fluent adj. 流利的, 流畅的 affluent adj. 丰富的, 富裕的 fluid adj. 流动的, 不固定的 conform [kEn5fC:m] [义] v. 符合,相似,使一致 (syn.: agree, assent)
[例] conform to the customs of society [派] conformity n. 一致,符合
[记] con(一起)+ form(形状)→形状上一致→符合,使一致
confound [kEn5faund] [义] v. 使混淆,使迷惑,使惊讶
[例] confound fiction and fact [派] confounded adj. 困惑的,混淆的 [记] con(一起)+ found(泼)→都泼到了一起→使迷惑
confront [kEn5frQnt] [义] v. 面临,对抗 (syn.: challenge) [例] to confront danger [派] confrontation n. 面对
[记] con(一起)+ front(前额)→两个人的前额相碰→面对
confuse [kEn5fju:z] [义] 使混乱,混淆 (syn.: complicate)
[例] We tried to confuse the enemy. [记] con(一起)+ fuse(融合)→融合到了
congress [5kCN^res] [义] n. 大会,议会
[例] a medical congress [记] Congress 国会
[联] progress n. 前进, 进步, 发展 aggress v. 攻击, 侵犯 conscience [5kCnFEns] [义] n. 良心,道德 (syn.: ethics)
[例] His conscience troubled him after he took the money.
[派] conscientious adj. 凭良心的 [记] consci(知道)+ ence(名词后缀)→知道是非的→良心
conscious [kCnFEs] [义] adj. 有意识的,自觉地 (syn.: aware)
[例] She was not conscious of his presence in the room.
[派] consciousness n. 意识,知觉 [记] con(加强)+ sci(知道)+ ous(形容词后缀)→知道的
[联] subconscious adj. 下意识的 consent [kEn5sent] [义] v. 同意,赞成 (syn.: accede, assent)
[例] My father would not consent to my leaving school.
[记] con(共同)+ sent(感觉)=sense→共同的感觉→同意
conserve [kEn5sE:v] [义] v. 保存;保守 (syn.: keep, preserve, maintain) [例] conserve one’s strength [派] conservative adj. 保守的 conservation n. 保守
[记] con(一起)+ serve(保存)→保存;保守
[联] preserve 保护, 保存 v preservation n. 保存 considerable [kEn5sidErEbl] [义] adj. 值得考虑的;重要的;(数量)相当的 [例] a writer of considerable influence [记] con(共同)+ sider(sid表示‘坐’)+ able(形容词后缀)
→值得坐下来的→重要的;相当的 considerate [kEn5sidErit] [义] adj. 考虑周到的,体谅的 (syn.: thoughtful) [例] considerate towards her employees [记] 这两个词都源于动词consider(考虑)。 consist [kEn5sist] [义] v. 由„组成;在于;一致 (syn.: comprise, include) [例] Substances consist of small particles
called molecules.
[派] consistent adj. 一致的,连贯的 [记] con(共同)+ sist(站)→站在一起→组成;一致
[联] insist v. 坚持, 强调 persist v. 坚持, 持续 resist v. 抵抗, 反抗 consonant [5kCnsEnEnt] [义] adj. 协调一致的
[例] remarks consonant with our own beliefs
[记] con(共同)+ son(声音)+ ant(形容词后缀)→有着共
同的声音→协调一致的 [联] supersonic 超音波(的). Sony 索尼 Panasonic 松下 constant [5kRnstEnt] [义] adj. 恒定的,不变的 (syn.: unchangeable) [例] constant speed
[记] con(加强)+ stant(站立)→长时间的站立→不变的
[联] instant adj. 速溶的, 直接的 constellation [7kCnstE5leiFEn] [义] n. 星座,星群
[例] a constellation of Hollywood [记] con(共同)+ stell(星)=star+ation(名词后缀) →一群星星→星座
不要与consternation(惊恐)弄混。 [联] stellar adj. 恒星的 constrict [kEn5strikt] [义] v. 收缩,压缩 (syn.: compact, compress)
[例] administering a drug that constrict the blood vessels
[派] constriction n. 收缩
constricted adj. 约束的,抑制的 [记] con(一起)+ strict(拉紧)→收缩 construct [kEn5strQkt] [义] v. 建造,构筑 (syn.: build)
[例] to construct a bridge [派] construction n. 建造
[记] con(一起)+ struct(堆积)→把材料堆积起来→建造
[联] instruct v. 教导, 命令, 指示 instructor n. 教师, <美>讲师 consult [kEn5sQlt] [义] v. 咨询,商量;参考
[例] I consulted George about buying a car. [派] consultant n. 咨询师 [联] result n. 结果 consume [kEn5sju:m] [义] v. 消耗,消费 (syn.: spend, deplete)
[例] His old car consumed much gasoline. [派] consumption n. 消耗 consumer n. 消费者
[记] con(全部)+ sume(sum表示‘拿’)→全部拿走→消耗
[联] assume v. 假定 presume v. 假定 costume n. 服装 contact [kCn5tAkt] [义] v./n. 接触,联系 (syn.: connection, junction) [例] She comes into contact with many people.
[记] tact=touch v. & n. 触摸 contain [kEn5tein] [义] v. 包含;忍耐,容忍
[例] Beer contains alcohol. [派] containment n. 包含;自制 container n. 容器 contend [kEn5tend] [义] v. 斗争,竞争,争论 (syn.: compete, contest) [例] to contend for a prize content [5kCntent] [义] n. 内容 adj. 满意的
[例] She is content with very little. [记] content与contend要区分开来。 contention [kEn5tenF(E)n] [义] n. 争论,论点
[例] My contention is that the scheme will never work.
[派] contentious adj. 好争吵的,争论的 context [5kCntekst] [义] n. (文章的)上下文,前后联系
[例] Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?
[记] con(一起)+ text(编织)→编织在一起的→上下文
contract [kEn5trAkt] [义] v. 收缩;订契约 n. 契约 (syn.: condense) [例] sign a contract [派] contraction n. 收缩
[记] con(一起)+ tract(拉)→拉到一起→收缩
[联] attract v. 吸引 tractor n. 拖拉机 extract v. 榨取(物)
contradict [7kCntrE5dikt] [义] v. 反驳,反对 (syn.: oppose)
&n, bsp; [例] Your actions contradict your principles.
[派] contradiction n. 反驳
[记] contra(相反的)+ dict(说)→反着说→反驳
[联] predict v. 预言, 预报 dictation n. 听写, 口述
contrast [55kCntrAst] [义] n./v. 对照,对比
[例] There is a great contrast between good and evil.
[派] contrary adj. 相反的
[记] contra(相反)+ st(站)→站在相反的地方→对比
contribute [kEn5trIbju:t] [义] v. 捐助,捐献
[例] to contribute food and clothing for the relief of the poor
[派] contribution n. 捐助 [联] retribution n. 报偿
distribution n. 发送,发行 controversy [5kCntrEvE:si] [义] n. 争论,论战,辩论 (syn.: contention, dispute) [例] without controversy [派] controversial adj. 有争议的 [记] contro(反的)+ versy(vers表示‘说’)→反着说→
convection [kEn5vekFEn] [义] n.传送; 对流 (syn.: conveying) [例] air convection
[记] 源于动词convect(使空气对流)。 [记] vect=vent v. 放出, 排出 convene [kEn5vi:n] [义] v. 召集,集合 (syn.: assemble, convoke)
[例] convene a special session of Congress
[派] convention 大会;习俗
[记] con(一起)+ ven(来)→召集到一起来→召集
convenient [kEn5vi:niEnt] [义] adj. 方便的,便利的 (syn.: appropriate) [例] Our house is convenient for the shops.
[派] convenience n. 方便,便利 converge [kEn5v\\:dV] [义] v. 会聚,集中到一点
[例] These lines converge at a certain point.
[派] convergence n. 集中,收敛
[记] con(一起)+ verge(会聚)=verse+ ence(名词后缀) →会聚到一点→会聚
[联] diverge n. 分歧, 分叉 converse [kEn5v\\:s] [义] v. 谈话(syn.: talk, discuss) adj. 相反的 [例] I conversed with her on a certain problem.
[派] conversion n. 转化,变化(信仰) conversation n. 谈话 convey [kEn5vei] [义] v. 运送,传递
[例] The truck conveyed machinery across the country.
[派] conveyance n. 运送 convict [kEn5vikt] [义] v. 定罪,宣告„„有罪
[例] He was convicted of murder. [派] conviction n. 深信;定罪 [联] victory n. 胜利 [联] victor n. 胜利者
victim n. 受害人, 牺牲品 convince [kEn5vins] [义] v. 使信服 (syn.: assure, confirm)
[例] He convinced me that I should study law.
[派] convincing adj. 有说服力的 [例] con(加强)+ vince(征服)=win→使信服
convivial [kEn5viviEl] [义] adj. 欢乐的 (syn.: joyful, merry) [例] a convivial party
[记] con(一起)+ viv(活)+ ial(形容词后缀)→欢乐的
[联] survive v. 幸存, 生还 vivid adj. 生动的, 鲜明的 cooperate [kEu5CpEreit] [义] v. 合作,协作 (syn.: collaborate)
[例] If we all cooperate, we'll soon finish.
[派] cooperation n. 合作
cooperative adj. 合作的,协力的 [记] co(一起)+ operate(运作)→一起运作→协作
cope [kEup] [义] v. 应付,对抗 (syn.: face)
[例] cope with unexpected disaster copious [5kEupjEs] [义] adj. 丰富的 (syn.: abundant, ample) [例] a copious harvest [记] copy+ous coral [5kCrEl] [义] n. 珊瑚
[例] coral reef
[记] c+oral adj. 口头的 core [kC:(r)] [义] n. 核心;果核
[例] an apple core correlate [5kCrileit] [义] v. 相关联
[例] correlate the theory with practice [派] correlated adj. 相关联的 correlation n. 关联
[记] cor(一起)+ relate(联系)→联系在一起→相关联
correspond [,kCris5pCnd] [义] v. 符合,一致;通信 (syn.: accord, coincide, concur)
[例] These goods don't correspond with my order.
[派] correspondent n. 通信者,记者 corresponding adj. 符合的,相应的 [记] cor(相互)+ respond(反应)→相互反应→通信
[联] respond v. 回答, 响应 response n. 回答, 响应 responsible adj. 有责任的, 可靠的
corrode [kE5rEud] [义] v. 腐蚀,侵蚀 (syn.: erode)
[例] Acid causes metal to corrode. 酸会腐蚀金属。
[派] corrosive adj. 腐蚀的 corrosion n. 腐蚀
[记] cor(加强)+ rode(rod表示‘咬’)→慢慢的咬→腐蚀
[联] erode v. 侵蚀, 腐蚀 erosion n. 腐蚀, 侵蚀 corrupt [kE5rQpt] [义] adj. 腐败的;堕落的 (syn.: rotten) [例] a corrupt judge
[派] cor+ rupt (破裂) corruption n. 腐败
[联] bankrupt v. 破产 erupt v. 喷出., 爆发
interrupt v. 打断, 妨碍, 插嘴 counteract [7kauntE5rAkt] [义] v. 抵抗,抵消;中和 (syn.: resist) [例] This drug should counteract the poison.
[派] counteraction n. 抵消
[记] counter(相反)+ act(作用)→相反的作用→抵消
counterpart [5kauntEpa:t] [义] n. 副本;相对物 (syn.: copy)
[例] Night is the counterpart of day. [记] counter(相反)+ part(部分)→相对的部分→副本
countless [5kaJtlIs] [义] adj. 无数的,数不尽的 (syn.: endless, innumerable) [例] I have told her countless times. [记] count(数)+ less(表示反义的后缀)→数不清楚
[联] homeless adj. 无家可归的 aimless adj. 没有目标的 keyless adj. 无键的 endless adj. 无止境的 course [kC:s] [义] n. 过程,经过;道路,路线;课程
[例] in the course of discussion crab [krAb] [义] n. 螃蟹
[例] soldier crab crack [krAk] [义] n. 爆破声;裂缝
[例] There's a crack in this cup. 这只杯子有一条裂缝。
[联] cracker n. 饼干, 爆竹 crash [krAF] [义] v. 冲突,碰撞 (syn.: smash, strike)
[例] The cars crashed into each other. credential [kri5denF(E)l] [义] n. 信任状;介绍信
[例] credentials committee
[记] cred(信任)+ ential(名词后缀)→表示信任的文件→
[联] accreditation n. 委派, 信赖 incredible adj. 难以置信的 credit [5kredit] [义] n./v. 相信,信任;学分 (syn.: believe)
[例] Do you give credit to what the man said?
[派] credible adj. 可信的 credulous adj. 轻信的 [记] cred(相信)+ it →信任
creed [kri:d] [义] n. 信仰 (syn.: belief, faith)
[例] men of all races and creeds [记] 源自于cred(相信)这个词根。 crisscross [5krIskrRs] [义] n. 十字形 adj. 十字架形状的
[例] electricity cable erected crisscross over the countryside
[记] criss + cross(穿过)→相互穿过→十字形
critical [5kritikEl] [义] adj. 评论的,批评的;危急的;有分辨能力的 [例] a man with a critical eye [派] critic n. 批评家 critics n. 批评
[记] crit(辨明)+ ical(„的)→有辨明能力的
criticize [5kritisaiz] [义] v. 批评,责备 (syn.: blame, accuse) [例] His policies were severely criticized.
[派] criticism n. 批评
[记] critic(批评家)+ ize(动词后缀)→批评
crowded [5kraJdId] [义] adj. 拥挤的,塞满的
[例] crowded downtown area
[记] crowd(人群)+ ed →都是人的→拥挤的 crucial [5kru:F(j)El] [义] adj. 紧要关头的,决定性的 (syn.: critical, decisive)
[例] a crucial problem
[记] cruc(crux表示‘十字架’)+ ial(形容词后缀)→处于十
字架中心的→紧要关头的 crude [kru:d] [义] adj. 天然的;粗野的 [例] crude oil [派] crudity n. 粗糙
[记] 不要与cruel(残忍的)弄混。 [联] rude adj. 粗鲁的, 无礼的 cube [kju:b] [义] n. 立方体;立方
[例] a cube of sugar
[派] cubic adj. 立方体的,立方的 cultivate [5kQltiveit] [义] v. 耕种;培养 (syn.: develop, train) [例] to cultivate a love of art [派] cultivation n. 培养,栽种
cultivated adj. 耕耘的;有教养的 [记] cult(培养)+ ivate(ate是动词后缀)
culture [5kQltFE] [义] n. 文化;教养
[例] These two countries have different cultures.
[派] cultural adj. 文化的 curtain [5k\\:t(E)n] [义] n. 帘子;幕布
[例] a window curtain
[custom [5kQstEm] [ [a cold bath.
[customer [5kQstEmE] [ [ [费习惯的人 →顾客,消费者
[dam [dAm] [ [valley.
[damp [dAmp] [ [ [ dampen v. [daring [5deErIN] [ [deeds.
[dart [dB:t] [ [the road.
[dawn [dC:n] [ [debate [di5beit] [ [联] certain adj. 确定的, 某一个 义] n. 习惯,风俗 (syn.: habit, tradition)
例] His custom was to get up early and have 派] customary adj. 习惯的,惯常的 义] n. 顾客,消费者
例] cash customer
记] custom(习惯)+ er(„的人)→有了消记] cust=cost 成本, 花费
义] n. 水坝,大坝
例] A new dam is now being built at the 联] dim adj. 暗淡的
义] adj. 潮湿的,有湿气的 (syn.: wet, moist) 例] I don't like damp weather. 派] dampness n. 潮湿 使潮湿 联] dump v. 倾倒(垃圾)
义] adj. 大胆的,勇敢地 (syn.: bold, fearless) 例] He was awarded a medal for his daring 记] 源自动词dare(胆敢)。 义] v. 飞奔,投掷
例] The child made a sudden dart across 记] 也可以做名词‘飞镖’。发音 “打他” 义] n. 黎明;开端 (syn.: beginning) 例] I woke up at dawn. 义] v. 争论,讨论
例] The government is debating the
education laws.
[派] debatable adj. 可以争论的,值得讨论的
[记] de(下)+bate(打击)→互相打击→争论
debris [5debri:] [义] n. 残骸,碎片 (syn.: fragments, pieces)
[例] searching among the debris after the explosion
decay [di5kei] [ [ [deceive [di5si:v] [ [drive a car.
[ [ [decent [5di:snt] [ [ [ [ century n. decimal [5desimEl] [ [ [ [ december n. decimeter n. decline [di5klain] [ [ [ declivity n. [ [decorate [5dekEreIt] [ [ [ [得美化→装饰
decrease [di:5kri:s] [记] de(坏)+ bris(碰伤)=break →完全义] v. 腐烂,衰退 (syn.: rot, spoil)
例] Sugar can decay the teeth. 记] de(向下)+ cay(落下)→下落→衰退 义] v. 欺骗,行骗 (syn.: trick, mislead)
例] He deceived her into thinking he could 派] deceit n. 欺骗
记] de(离开)+ ceive(拿)→拿开→欺骗 联] receive v. 收到, 接到 义] adj. 合适的,正派的 (syn.: appropriate) 例] decent behavior 派] decency n. 庄重,郑重 联] accent n. 重音, 口音 世纪, 百年 义] adj. 十进制的
例] decimal system 记] dec=ten 十, 十个 联] decade n. 十年
十二月 分米 义] 倾斜;降低,减弱 (syn.: sink, fall, weaken) 例] an empire that has declined 派] declining adj. 倾斜的
(向下的)斜坡 记] de+c+line n. 绳, 索
联] incline n. & v. 倾斜, 斜坡 义] v. 装饰 (syn.: adorn)
例] to decorate a street with flags 派] decoration n. 装饰
记] décor(美化)+ ate(动词后缀)→使变义] v. 减少,减退 (syn.: lessen, diminish, reduce)
[例] The number of children in the school has decreased this year.
[记] de(减少)+ crease(生长)→减少生长→减少
[联] increase v. 增加, 加大 dedicate [5dedikeit] [义] v. 奉献,致力于
[例] He dedicated his life to the service of his country.
[派] dedication n. 献身 [记] de+dic+ate
defect [di5fekt] [义] n. 缺点,瑕疵 (syn.: flaw, fault, blemish) [例] defects in a system of education [派] defective adj. 有缺陷的
[记] de(离开)+ fect(做)→做差了→缺点 [联] perfect adj. 完美的, 理想的 perfection n. 完美, 完成 defer [di5fE:] [义] v. 推迟,延期;顺从
[例] deferred paying the bills 延迟付款 [派] deference n. 敬意 [记] de+fer
[联] offer v. 提供, 出价 differ v. 不一致, 不同 prefer v. 更喜欢, 宁愿 definite [5definit] [义] adj. 明确的,确定的
[例] Let's fix a definite date for the next meeting.
[派] definition n. 定义 [记] 源自动词define(定义)。
[联] favorite adj. 喜爱的, 中意的(人或物)
deform [di5fC:m] [义] v. 使变形 (syn.: disfigure)
[例] a body that had been deformed by disease
[记] de(离开)+ form(形状)→离开正常的形状→变形
degrade [di5greid] [义] v. 使堕落;降级 (syn.: degrace)
[例] to degrade oneself by cheating and telling lies
[记] de(向下)+ grade(级别)→降级 [联] upgrade v. 升级, 提升 dehydrate [di:5haidreit] [义] v. 使脱去水分 (syn.: dewater) [例] dehydrated vegetables
[记] de(离开)+ hydr(水)+ ate(动词后缀)→水分离开→
[联] hydrogen n. 氢 hydrant n. 消防栓 delay [di5lei] [义] v. 拖延,延迟 (syn.: postpone)
[例] The letter was delayed three days by the train accident.
[记] de+lay 放置 delegate [5deli^it] [义] n. 代表,委员 (syn.: agent)
[例] a delegate to a conference [派] delegation n. 代表团,代表 [记] de(离开)+ leg(法律)+ ate →依法前往→代表
[联] legal adj. 法定的, 合法 legislation n.立法
deliberate [di5libErit] [义] adj. 深思熟虑的;故意的 (syn.: thoughtful, careful) [例] taking deliberate action [派] deliberation n. 深思熟虑
[记] de(否定)+ liber(自由)=labor+ ate(形容词后缀)→
不给你自由→故意的 [联] liberty n. 自由
liberation n. 释放, 解放 liberal adj. 自由主义的 delicate [delikit] [义] adj. 精致的,优美的;微妙的 (syn.: elegant, graceful) [例] a delicate subject
[派] delicacy n. 精致,优美;娇嫩 [记] de(从)+ lic(诱惑)+ ate →精美的东西有着很大的诱惑 →精美的
delicious [di5liFEs] [义] adj. 美味的,芬芳的;令人愉快的 (syn.: tasty) [例] The soup is delicious.
[记] delic(精美)+ ious(形容词后缀)→美味的
delta [5deltE] [义] n. 三角洲
[例] the Nile Delta
[记] 联想著名的Delta Force(三角洲部队)。 demobilize [di:5mEJbIlaIz] [义] v. 复员,遣返军人
[例] demobilize the army [派] demobilization n. 遣返,复员 [记] de+ mobize
demolish [di5mCliF] [义] v. 摧毁,破坏 (syn.: dismantle, destory)
[例] All these old houses are going to be demolished.
[派] demolition n. 拆除,破坏 [记] de+mol(没有了 )+ish v [联] punish v. 惩罚 finish v. 完成
demonstrate [5demEnstreit] [义] v.证明,举例说明 (syn.: illustrate, prove) [例] He demonstrated how to use the new machine.
[派] demonstration n. 证明 [记] de+monster+ate
denote [di5nEut] [义] v.指示,表示 (syn.: indicate, imply)
[例] The mark ‘∧’ denotes a place of omission.
[派] denotation n. 意义
[记] de(下)+ note(笔记,记下)→写下来→表示
denounce [di5nauns] [义] v. 指责,谴责 (syn.: blame, reproach, charge) [例] She strongly denounced the Government’s hypocrisy.
[记] de(下)+ nounce(说)→说别人下流→谴责
[联] announce v. 宣布 dent [dent] [义] n. 凹痕,凹陷
[例] a dent in a car [派] denture n. 假牙
[记] dent表示‘牙齿’,用牙齿咬出凹痕。 [联] dentist n. 牙科医生 dental adj. 牙齿的 depart [di5pa:t] [义] v. 启程,离开 (syn.: leave)
[例] When does the next train depart? [派] departure n. 出发,离开 department n. 部门
[记] de(离开)+ part(部分)→分成各个部分→离开
[联] deport v. 举止, 驱逐 [派] dependent adj. 依靠的 depict [di5pikt] [义] v. 描述,描写 (syn.: describe, pricture) [例] depict the horrors of war [记] de(加强)+ pict(描画)→描述 [联] picture n. 图画 deplete [di5pli:t] [义] v. 耗尽
[例] deplete one's strength [派] depletion n. 耗尽 [联] complete adj. 完全的 deposit [di5pCzit] [义] v. 沉淀;存放;储蓄 (syn.: store)
[例] She deposited her money in the bank. [派] depositor n. (银行的)储户