质量管理文件 流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
Project Management Procedure 版本 修订部门 修订者 01 项目部 修 订 履 历 修订内容概要 生效日期 2013-05-15 职位 丁占晓 总监助理 将原注塑厂之《项目管理流程》统一管理 书面分发部门见背面签收 丁占晓 2013-05-02 李 忠 2010-05-08 吕术真 2010-05-15 制 定 日 期 审 核 日 期 批 准 日 期 封 面 ——版本所有 * 未经书面认可 * 不得复制 * 违者必究—— 第 1 页 共 10 页
质量管理 质量管理文件
Project Management Procedure
流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
1.0 Purpose目的
1.1 The purpose of this document is to provide a regulation for new product/project introduction, And provide a guidance for project team to ensure achieve all the jobs of new product/project introduction 规范新产品/新项目的导入过程,指导项目导入组成员圆满完成导入工作。
2.0 Scope范围
2.1 The scope of the document is applicable for all the new product/project introduced by TKP. 所有TKP的新产品/新项目。
3.0 Definition定义
3.1 Project Leader: Belowing mentioned the project leader belong to project department if without Other
项目组长: 如无特别说明, 以下提到的项目组长指注塑厂项目部的项目组长。
3.2 Production Engineer: Belowing mentioned the production engineer belong to engineering department of each BU if without other specified.
3.3 Technical Engineer: Belowing mentioned the technical engineer belong to technology department & each BU
if without Other specified.
技术工程师: 如无特别说明, 以下提到的技术工程师指技术部&各事业部的技术工程师。
3.4 Quality Engineer: Belowing mentioned the quality engineer belong to quality department & each BU
if without other specified.
品质工程师: 如无特别说明, 以下提到的品质工程师指品质部&各事业部品质工程师。
3.5 Project Introduction Team Member: The engineer or representative from relative department of each BU that
new product/project involved.
项目导入组成员: 项目所涉及的各事业部的工程师或各部门指定的代表。
4.0 Responsibility职责
4.1 Project Director is responsible for appointing the project leader and authorize he to lead the new product/ project.
4.2 Project Leader is responsible for taking charge to form the new product introduction team, according to the require from customer work out the plan to develop the new product/project as well as organizing & harmonizing the jobs from relevant dept .
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质量管理 质量管理文件
Project Management Procedure
流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
4.3 Project Leader is responsible for follow up all the process of the new product/project introduction, Until the
product run into normal production and solve the technical issue with the assistance of project team member to ensure the products can meet the requirement of customer(contain the customer HSF requirement)as well as prepare some documents belong to project dept.
4.4 Engineering Engineer of each BU is responsible for conducting the trial of mold/material and then finish the
“Mold Test Report”, and follow up necessary fixture (e.g. degating fixture) and relative equipments and make sure these can meet the project schedule specified by project department.
各事业部工程部相关工程师负责试模并填写试模报告,跟进并确保所需的夹具(如切水口夹具)及设备按 项目部规定的期限内准备倒位为确保注塑过程的顺利进行提供必要的基础。
4.5 Engineering Engineer of each BU is responsible for conducting the trial of assembly and then finish the
“Assembly Test Report”, and follow up necessary fixture (e.g. ultrasonic welding or heat-staking fixture) & relative equipments and make sure these can meet the project schedule specified by project department.
具,热压夹具等) 及设备按项目部规定的期限内准备到位为确保装配过程的顺利进行提供必要的基础。
4.6 Engineering Engineer of each BU is responsible for conducting the trial of painting and then finish the “Painting
Test Report”, and follow up necessary fixture(e.g. painting fixture) & relative equipments and make sure these can meet the project schedule specified by project department.
各事业部工程部相关工程师负责试喷油的过程并填写试喷油报告,跟进并确保所需的喷油漆夹具及相关所 需设备按项目部规定的期限内准备倒位为确保试喷油过程的顺利进行提供必要的基础。
4.7 The members of the project team are responsible for handling some technical issue respective department, and
provide necessary support to project leader on technical or other issues, keep the record available to ensure the new product/project developed smoothly in TKP.
项目导入组成员负责本部门范围内的技术或其它工作,向项目组长提供技术上或其它方面的支持,保持 文件记录的完整性,保证项目的顺利发展。
4.8 After NPI meeting, Project/Engineering/Purchase/SQE representatives should work together to confirm supplier
matrix of the project. Project leader needs to confirm on which suppliers are specified by customer, and provide Purchase/SQE with customer written confirmation (e.g. email). At the same time, save the written confirmation on public path.
NPI会议后,由项目,工程,采购,SQE相关人员确认该项目的供应商清单及分类。项目部负责确认项目中哪些为客户指定的供应商 ,并将客户指定供应商的邮件抄送给SQE及采购. 同时将相应邮件保存在公共盘上。
5.0 Procedure 程序
Detail procedure as per following table具体程序依下表: Job Items 工作事项 Job Description工作事项描述 Function Responsible 负责人 Data 记录 ——版本所有 * 未经书面认可 * 不得复制 * 违者必究—— 第 3 页 共 10 页
质量管理 质量管理文件
Project Management Procedure
流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
5.1 New Product/Project Information 新产品/项目通知 Job Items 工作事项 Marketing inform Project Dept. to Start one new product/project. 市场部用适当的方式通知项目部有关新产品/项目开始 Job Description工作事项描述 Account Manager 客户经理 Function Responsible 负责人 N/A Data 记录 New project Introduction Team 《新产品导入组》 Project Team Contact List 《新项目双向联络表》 5.2 From New Product Instruction Team 成立项目导入组 Program director appoint one project leader, who will create project team according the processes demand and the requirement of the project, and will let project team member make acknowledgement of the requirement of the project and respective responsibility.) 项目总监指定项目组长,项目组长根据项目所需制程要求主持成立项目导入组,并向项目导入组成员明确项目的有关要求和各自负责的工作内容. Project leader contact customer or Account manager to request relative information such as project schedule, Customer HSF requirement, BOM, master process workmanship, processes parameters, part drawings, mold drawings, samples, etc. Project leader will frame project refer to above information and update to QA engineer and project team. 项目组长联系客户或客户经理提供项目所需的相关资料,如客户要求项目计划,客户的HSF要求,物料清单, 生产工艺流程汇总,生产工艺参数,产品图纸,模具图纸,产品样品和其它所需的相关资料,项目组长据此制定项目发展计划,并更新给品质工程师及项目导入组成员。 Account manager/project leader will conduct the capability study base on the obtaining information on hand and then frame a quotation to customer to confirm in further. 客户经理/项目组长根据所收集到的信息对新产品/项目进行初步的研究并提供报价给客户确认接受 Project leader along with the tool engineer of TPM and marketing customer solution engineer will discuss with customer about part design and secondary processes and then provide some suggestion/comment to customer base on customer requirements. 根据客户要求,项目组长会同模厂的模具工程师和市场部专案工程师讨论研究产品设计及后加工工序,提供改善及讨论研究产品设计及后加工工序,提供改善建议给客户。 Program Director 项目总监 Project Leader 项目组长 5.3 Request Relative Information From PMO Or Customer 获取新产品/项 目相关的资料 Account Manager 客户经理 Project Leader 项目组长 QA Engineer 品质工程师 Refer to Program plan & build plan. 5.4 Capability Study/Quotation Accepted By Customer生产能力的研究及报价被客户接受 Account Manager 客户经理 Project Leader 项目组长 Project Leader 项目组长 Marketing Customer Solution Engineer 市场部专案工程师 Tool Engineer 模厂模具工程师 Refer To Program Document File Structure 5.5 Tool Design Review 模具设计评审 ESI Report Letter of authorization or other official approval information ——版本所有 * 未经书面认可 * 不得复制 * 违者必究—— 第 4 页 共 10 页
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Project Management Procedure
流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
Project Leader 项目组长 Project Team Member (including QE) 项目导入组成员(包括QE 工程师) Function Responsible 负责人 Relevant Molding/ Assembly/Painting Engineer Of Each BU (各事业部相关的注塑,装配,喷油工程师) Automation Engineer Of Each BU 各事业部自动化工程师 5.6 FMEA Study FMEA研究 Project leader will call in project team (including QE)to conduct analysis the problem would be occurred on the processes easily, and then compete the FMEA. 项目组长召集项目导入组成员(包括QE)分析制程中易出现的问题,完成失效模式及效果分析(FMEA)。 FP-GC-56 FMEA Job Items 工作事项 5.7 Process (MO,AS,PA) Review To Obtain Master Schedule Of All Related Fixtures, Equipment, End Of Robot Arm. 工艺(注塑,装配,喷油)评估所有相关夹具设备及机械手所需要的时间表 Job Description工作事项描述 Data 记录 Automation Engineer of TD & FA will design the robot arm base on the structure of new product and evaluate the time needed. Relevant Molding/Assembly/Painting Engineer Of Each BU will contact the supplier to make the fixture if necessary and evaluate the time needed. 自动化工程师根据产品的结构设计机械手及评估所需的时间 各事业部相关的注塑,装配,喷油工程师根据产品的工艺与品质要求制作所需要的夹具及评估所需的时间. N/A Project leader provide information to production engineer of each BU. He will accomplish the documents 5.8 Order of “Export Paint Statistic For Apply to Customs” & “List Necessary Material For Apply to Customs of Export Engineering Samples” For Mold And and prepare the draft BOM, notify purchase dept. to buy Process Validation material for the trail of mold /painting/assembly. 订购试模及制程确 项目组长提供相关信息给各事业部产品工程师,各事认所需要的材料 业部产品工程师根据项目发展计划,在采购提前期准 备《进口油漆报关统计》,《进口工程样品报关清单》及提供《物料清单》初稿,通知采部订购新产品试模\\试喷油\\试装配所需各种物料。 Project Leader 项目组长 Production Engineer 产品工程师 FP-PZ-67 BOM/PI 《物料清单》 ——版本所有 * 未经书面认可 * 不得复制 * 违者必究—— 第 5 页 共 10 页
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Project Management Procedure
流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
Tooling engineer will release the “Mold Evaluation/Check List” when he/she conduct tool buy in tool maker side, and all the tools can be transferred to TKP after pass for evaluation. Engineer dept. will provide the data such as mold drawing and request the toolmaker provide the electrode, 5.9 Tool Evaluation etc to Tooling for tool maintenance and modification if Checking, Mold necessary on forward production. Buy-Off And The quality engineer of QA dept. will participate the Transfer To TKP mold trial (e.g. FOT) and frame the visual criteria for the 模具评估检查,验new products. 收及转移至TKP深在模具制造商处试模时, 模具工程师应填写《样品检圳公司 测报告》,模具验收(Buy off)时,须有工模部出具<<模具 评估查验表>>,检查评估合格后才批核转入TKP. 在以后生产中, 模具维修或改模过程时,工程部提供必要的资料给工模部,如获取图纸,向制模厂索取铜公等。新项目试模时(如: FOT)工厂品质工程师也需加入NPI小组并从品质的角度提供产品外观等品质标准。 Mold Evaluation Report Engineering 《模具评估审Engineer Of Each 查表》 BU 各事业部工程部工Part 程师 Evaluation Report Tooling Engineer 《产品评估审模具工程师 查表》 Quality Engineer品《样板检测报质工程师 告》 《注塑工艺卡》 Job Items 工作事项 Job Description工作事项描述 Engineering Dept. provide the relative data such as mold number/project name/product description, etc. Tool engineer are responsible for tool checking and then mark tool number on the tool and fill the form of “New Mold Check List” 模具验收(Buy off)入厂后, 工程部提供相应资料给工模部,如模号/项目名称/产品名称等.工模部工程师负责检查模具,并在模具上刻上模具编号,填写《新模查验表》后通知项目组长。 Function Responsible 负责人 Data 记录 5.10 Check The Mold And Assign Mold Number 模具检查及标注模号 Tooling Engineer 模具工程师 Project Leader 项目组长 New Mold Check List 新模查验表 ——版本所有 * 未经书面认可 * 不得复制 * 违者必究—— 第 6 页 共 10 页
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Project Management Procedure
流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
After discussing with PMC and relevant dept., project leader work out the plan for the trial of Mold/Painting/ Assembly and release the test notice of Mold/Painting/Assembly. Production engineer will provide the technical data such as layout of hot-runner/water/core running program, paint information, etc. to the relevant team member. Molding dept. are responsible for conducting the mold trial and then provide the “Mold /Material Test Report” to Engineer dept. as well as provide the some suggestion to improve the tool. he engineer from relevant dept. will prepare the “Painting Test Report” or “Assembly Test Report” and then send to project engineer to confirm in further if the new product/project have those secondary processes. QE should participate each trial and review 5.11 Mold/Painting/ the result to understand the potential quality problems Assembly Trial and draft the quality plan to prevent this happening next 试模/试装配/试喷time. QE and Project Engineer should make a agreement 油 of the sample Spec in every sample building. Every time proofing the sample retained by the product engineer or project leader in order to go back. 项目组长和产品工程师与PMC或者相关部门协商制定试模\\试喷油\\试装配计划并填写测试通知单。测试前, 产品工程师提供必要技术资料,如模具热流道分布图/模具运水图/模具抽芯程序/油漆资料/装配资料等给相关参与人员.注塑工程师负责调试模具,向项目组长提供模具改善建议并填写《样板检测报告》.有后序加工工序时,相关部门工程师还需填写试喷油\\试装配报告和相关注塑\\喷油\\装配样品品质检测报告。每次试样,QE应该参与了解试样结果,分析试样过程中潜在的品质隐患,试样完成后,提供下一步的改善计划,品质工程师与项目组长协商打样样品的最终出货标准。每次打样的样办由产品工程师或项目组长保留以便追溯。 Project Leader 项目组长 Production Engineer 产品工程师 PMC 物料部 Relevant Molding/ Assembly/Painting Engineer Of Each BU (各事业部注塑,装配,喷油,QA 相关的工程师) FP-GC-33 样板制作通知 单 Molding Trial report 《样板检测报告》 , Painting Trial Report《试喷油报告》, Assembly Trial Report《试装配报告》 Job Items 工作事项 5.12 Input The Data Of Production Capability Into SAP System. 在SAP系统中输入相关生产产能数据 Job Description 工作事项描述 Function Responsible 负责人 Data 记录 Product Engineering should input the data of production capability into ERP system. 产品工程师依ERP系统的要求输入相关生产产能数据 Product Engineer 产品工程师 ERP system. ERP系统中 ——版本所有 * 未经书面认可 * 不得复制 * 违者必究—— 第 7 页 共 10 页
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Project Management Procedure
流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
Project Leader QE,QA lab And Production Engineers 项目助长, QA 工程师/QA测量工程师/ 生产工程师 Project leader, product engineer and QE, QA lab should 5.13 Completed follow up the customer’s testing contents and report in Relative Inspection different stage. Report And Test 项目助长根据客户要求,然后跟QE,生产及QA Report lab一起完成各客户在不同试样阶段的测试报 完成相关测试报告 告。 5.14 Submit Trial Samples, FAI/CPK Report And Other Inspection Report Requested To Customer 送样品连同FAI及 CPK 报告给客户确认 Test Report Project engineer complete the “FAI” and “CPK” report and others inspection report required by customer and those documents along with the samples would be sent to customer to confirmed in further. 在品质工程师的协助下项目组长完成FAI, CPK和客户所需的其它检测报告,和样品一起送交客户确认。 First Article Project Engineer Inspection 项目工程师 Report 《首件检验报Quality Engineer品告》 质工程师 ,CPK Report QA Lab, QA测量《CPK报告》 工程师 (或客户要求的格式) Approval Letter or other official approval information 5.15 Approval By Customer 获得客户批准 Project leader will communicating with marketing timely to comprehend the status of new product regarding approval progress conducting by customer. 定期地与市场部联系了解有关项目的批准进展状况. After obtaining the approval from customer, production engineer will pass all the engineering documents such as “BOM”, “Flow Chart” and QA engineer will prepare “Control Plan” to DCC to distribute to relative dept. And all the production sample(s) to be passed to QA dept. and quality engineer will sign the samples to relevant dept. Production engineering will pass all the production documents such as “WI”, “Parameter sheet of molding/heat-staking/Ultrasonic welding” etc to DCC to distribute to relevant dept. for using. 得到客户承认后, 产品工程师将制定好的《BOM》《工序流程图》,QA工程师将制定好的《控制计划》等工程文件交文控部分发给相关部门,所有生产样品需发给品质部,通过品质部签板给各相关部门. 运作(注塑,装配,喷油) 准备所有有关新产品的《WI》,《注塑\\热压\\超声焊接参数记 录表》等生产文件交文控中心分发给所有相关部门. Job Description 工作事项描述 Project Leader 项目组长
5.16 Prepare Relative Engineering Files, Production Samples And Issued To Relative Dept. 准备相关的工程文件
Production Engineer 产品工程师 Quality Engineer 品质工程师 Document Distribute/Return Record 《文件发放/回收记录》 Job Items 工作事项 Function Responsible 负责人 Data 记录 ——版本所有 * 未经书面认可 * 不得复制 * 违者必究—— 第 8 页 共 10 页
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5.17 Measurement/ Test Fixture Verification And Transfer 测量/测试夹具的验证与转移 5.18 Project Review Meeting With Relative Depts Provide Necessary Production/Quality Training To Relative Depts. 与相关的部门召开 投产前会议提供必要有关生产品质方面的培训
Project leader & measuring engineer to verify the measurement/test fixture to confirm whether these are available or not. And then fill in the “Fixture/equipment approval” and “Fixture/Equipment Transfer List” as well as transfer these fixtures to relative dept. for use. 项目组长与品质工程师一起验证测量/测试 夹具是否合格,品质工程师应该提供此夹具测试过程的检查程序和GRR报告。 Project leader will take charge to have a meeting before mass production to make sure all relative jobs are ready and fill in the form of Production Release Confirmation”. Production engineer and Quality Engineer should confirm if the golden sample and limited samples have been issued to relative departments Quality Engineer check if the IPQC employees have been trained and the record was being kept. 项目组长主持召开项目投产前会议,确认项目开始生产前所有准备工作已完成,并填写《新项目试产/量产批准书》,产品工程师和品质工程师, 在项目投产前,一起确认是否已签发标准和极限样板给相关部门;QE确认有无培训IPQC及相关的培训记录。 Project Leader 项目组长 QE 品质部工程师 Relating records. Project Leader 项目组长 Relevant Molding/ Assembly/Painting Engineer Of Each BU (各事业部相关的注塑,装配,喷油工程师) Production Release Confirmation 《新项目试产/量产批准书》 5.19 Kick Off Production, CIT Action & Correct Various Variation 项目转入生产 Project Leader 项目组长 Engineering dept. is still required to follow up the process of all the project though it run into the kick off Relevant Molding/ production, and assist related dept. to take CIT action & Assembly/Painting correct various variation until normal mass production。 Engineer Of Each 项目开始校验生产.工程部跟进生产过程,CIT行动及BU (各事业部相关的纠正各项偏差直至正常生产. 注塑,装配,喷油工程师) N/A 6.0 Record and Sheet记录和表格
记 录 新产品导入组 新项目双向联络表 新项目计划 FMEA 物料清单 模具评估审查表 产品评估审查表 样板制作通知单 新项目试产/量产批准书 编 号 FP-PMO-01 FP-PMO-02 FP-PMO-03 FP-GC-56 FP-PZ-67 FP-PMO-05 FP-PMO-06 FP-GC-33 FP-GC-72 保存地点 项目档案 项目档案 项目档案 项目档案 项目档案 项目档案 项目档案 项目档案 项目档案 期 限 至业务终止 至业务终止 至业务终止 至业务终止 至业务终止 至业务终止 至业务终止 至业务终止 至业务终止 空白表格 见KM系统 见KM系统 见KM系统 见KM系统 见KM系统 见KM系统 见KM系统 见KM系统 见KM系统 ——版本所有 * 未经书面认可 * 不得复制 * 违者必究—— 第 9 页 共 10 页
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流程编号:QMS-0P-P 版 本 号:01
Project Management Procedure
7.0参考文件和资料 Reference Document
7.1 OP-0046-P Tools Management Procedure模具管理流程
7.2 QMS-OP36-P FMEA Conducting Procedure 失效形式及结果分析的实施程序 7.3 OP-0008-A Document Control Procedure 文件控制程序
8.0 New Project Introduction Procedure Flow Chart
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