
Paper handling apparatus

2024-10-18 来源:威能网

专利名称:Paper handling apparatus

发明人:Masatoshi Hosoi,Masashi Shimada,Yuji

Ueno,Tsutomu Ichinose,Shin

Umeda,Hirobumi Yoshino,Takashi Komada


摘要:A paper handling apparatus for use with a copier, printer or similar equipmentfor sorting a number of paper sheets sequentially driven out of the equipment toprepare paper stacks and binding the paper stacks. The apparatus has a plurality of bins,a sorter for sequentially distributing the paper sheets to the individual bins, a mechanismfor positioning the paper sheets distributed to the bins, and a stapler for stapling thepaper sheets positioned on the bins. The sorter and the stapler are operable

simultaneously with each other. The stapler acts on only those bins which are loaded withpaper sheets associated with the last document without exception, while not acting onthose bins which are loaded with paper sheets associated with the last document but areloaded with only a single paper sheet. The bin on which the stapler is to act is located atleast two bins above the bin where the paper sheets are to be positioned. When a timingat which a paper positioning operation should not be executed is detected, priority isgiven to a stapling operation with the paper positioning operation being inhibited.Whether or not the bin of interest has undergone paper positioning is determined and,based on the result of decision, which of the paper positioning operation and the stapling

operation should be executed is determined. The stapling operation is allowed to occuronly at the bins where paper sheets have already been positioned.


代理机构:Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt

