Ⅰ. Material analysis
本节课建议用1-2课时上完。主要活动为Section B的1a和2。
本课继续谈论Kangkang和同学们为美食节做准备,继在Section A中呈现炒饭的做法之后,本课又推出了西餐中三明治的做法。要求学生复习运用请求允许的功能用语,在进一步学习运用表示顺序的副词的用法、以及由whether/if引导的宾语从句之外,初步接触单音节副词的比较级和最高级,并要了解不同国家不同的餐桌礼仪。通过让学生亲自动手做三明治,鼓励学生要勇于实践、大胆尝试,培养他们的自主探究精神;还要引导学生乐于接触和了解外国风俗文化,从而更好地为弘扬中国文化服务。Ⅱ. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:
1.学习whether/ if引导的宾语从句。2.学习单音节副词的比较级和最高级。3.了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。
4.学生能区分辅音音素/ tʃ/和/ dʒ/,并能正确拼读单词。5.学生能在朗读句子时正确处理语调和停顿。Skill aims:
3.能理解所给语言材料中事件的发生顺序和人物行为。4.能写出简单的文段。Emotional aims:
2.乐于接触和了解外国风俗文化,从而更好地为弘扬中国文化服务。Ⅲ. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:
1.学习whether/ if引导的宾语从句。2.学习单音节副词的比较级和最高级。3.了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。Difficult points:
一边操作一边使用英语陈述食物的制作过程。Ⅳ. Learning strategies
2.运用表示顺序的副词对事情的过程进行描述时,注意语调的前升后降。Ⅴ. Teaching aids
Computermultimediaprojector;Thepicturesofsandwichandsnack(hamburgers,sandwiches and so on); Some pieces of bread; Some butter; A pear; A knife; Some honey; The
pictures of a bicycle, a bus and a train.
Ⅵ. Teaching procedures
Interactionpattern1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.
Student activity1. Focus their attentiononthe teacher.2. Students read thepassage about how tocook their favoritefood.
Teacher activity
3. The wholeclass work.
4. The wholeclass work.
5. The wholeclass work.
Introduction6. The whole(8 minutes)class work.
7. Pair work.
8. The whole
class work.
9. The wholeclass work.10. The wholeclass work.
11. The wholeclass work.
1. Greet students ready forlearning.
2. Teacher lets the studentsreadthepassageabouthow to cook their favoritefood,usingadverbsofsequence and manner.
3.Students retell the steps3. Teacher asks the studentsofcookingfriedrice,to retell the steps of cookingusingFirst…Second…friedrice,usingFirst…Then… Finally…Second… Then… Finally…4. Students read the4. Teacher asks the studentssentences of 4b bytoreadthesentencesofthemselves, paying4bbythemselves,payingattention to theattention to the intonationintonation and pause.and pause.5. Students listen and5. Teacher plays the recordingcheck their reading.of 4b. Let students listen
and check their reading.
6. Students listen and try6. Teacher plays the recordingto imitate.of 4b again, and let the
7. Students practice thelisten and try to imitate.conversation of 4b7. Teacher lets students practicewith their partners.theconversationof4b8. Students try readingwith their partners.the phonetics and8. Teacher shows the phoneticswords on the screen./tʃ/and/dʒ/andthe
words on the screen. Let the
9. Students listen to thestudents try reading them.recording of 4a.9. Teacher plays the recording10. Students listen andof 4a. Let students just listen.try to imitate.10. Teacher plays the recording
of 4a again, and lets thestudents listen and try to
11. Students read theimitate.words correctly.11. Teacher shows more
words on the screen. Askthe students to read themcorrectly.
[来源学科网]1. The wholeclass work.
1. Students look at thepicture of 1a and havea guess.
2. Students read 1a andcheck the guess.
3. Students underline thenew words.
1. The teacher lets studentslookatthepictureof1aandhave a guess: What’sMichael’s favorite food?
2. Individualwork.3. Individualwork.4. The wholeclass work.
Presentation(10 minutes)
5. Individualwork.
6. Individualwork.
7. The wholeclass work.8. The wholeclass work.
2. Teacher lets students read1a and check the guess.3.Teacherplaystherecordingfor students and lets themunderline the new words.
4. Students learn and grasp4. Teacher teaches the newthenewwordswithwordstothestudents:the help of the teacher.Teachsnackbyshowing
the picture of hamburgers,sandwiches,cookiesandbiscuits.
Teachbutterandpearbyshowing pictures of them.Teachpiece by cutting thepear into pieces.
5. Students fill in the5.Teacherplaystherecordingblanks of 1b.sentencebysentenceand
lets the students fill in theblanks of 1b.
6. Students listen and check6. Teacher plays the recordingtheir answers.without stopping. Let students
listen and check theiranswers.
7. Students check the7. Teacher asks two studentsanswers.to tell their answers.8. Students read 1a and8. Teacher asksstudents to readfindoutthedifficult1aandfindoutthedifficultpoints. Then underlinepoints,andthenexplainthethemwiththeteacher’skeypointsandthedifficulthelp.points to the students.
(1)Wouldyoumindifwelearntomakeitfromyou?(2) well→better→best(3) Practice makes perfect.
1. The wholeclass work.
2. The wholeclass work.
3. The wholeclass work.
4. Pair work.
Consolidation(10 minutes)
1. Students read the1. Teacher plays the recordingconversation after thesentence by sentence.recordingsentencebysentence.
2. Students try to follow2. Teacher plays the recordingthe speed, paying attentionwithout stopping.to the pronunciationand intonation.
3. Students read 1a again3. Teacher asks the studentsand prepare to maketo read 1a again and preparethe sandwich byto make the sandwich bythemselves.themselves, using the things
the teacher prepared.
4. Students preform4. Teacher lets two or threehow to make thepairsofstudentspreformsandwich.howtomakethesandwich.
One student tells the processofmakingit,usingFirst…Second…Then…Finally…
And the other student makesitaswhathisorherpartnerdescribes.
5. Teacher evaluates thesandwiches which the
studentsdidbythemselvesand encourages them withthefollowingstructures:Welldown!Adidquitewell, but B did better thanA.Cdidthebestofall.Then let students find outthe same structures in 1a.Stress the usage of
5. The wholeclass work.5. Students find out thesame structures in 1a.
1. The wholeclass work.
2. Individualwork.3. The wholeclass work.
[来源:Zxxk.Com]4. Individualwork.
5. The wholeclass work.
Practice(10 minutes)
6. The wholeclass work.
7. Individualwork.
8. The wholeclass work.9. Pair work.
1. Students look at the1. Teacher asks the students topicturesof2carefully,lookatthepicturesof2and read the parts of thecarefully and read the partssentences.of the sentences.
2. Students match the parts2. Teacher lets students matchof the sentences.the parts of the sentences.3. Students read the sentences3. Teacher lets two studentsandgrasptheusageoftell the answer, and then askcomparative and superlativethem to read the sentences anddegreesofmonosyllabicgrasp the usage of comparativeadverbs.and superlative degrees of
monosyllabic adverbs.
4. Students make up4. Teacher shows the pictures ofsentences.a bike, a bus, and a train. Ask
students to make up sentences.Asktwostudentstowritethem down on the blackboard.
5. Students evaluate the5. Teacher lets two studentswork on the blackboard.evaluatetheworkonthe
6. Students read the6. Teacher asks students to readsentences of 3. Learn thethesentencesof3.Teachthenew words.new wordsslurpby imitating
the sound of drinking soup.Teachnoisily by comparingwith noisy. Teachpolite andimpolite by perform actionsofthrowingoutpaperandpicking up the paper.
7. Students listen and7. Teacher plays the recordingnumber the sentences toof 3 for the students. Let themform a conversation.listen and number the sentences
to form a conversation.
8. Students check the8. Teacher lets two studentsanswers.tell the answers.9. Students practice the9. Teacher lets students practiceconversation in pairs.theconversationinpairs.
LetthemtryimitatingthenoisemadebyKumikowhen she is drinking soup.
[来源:Zxxk.Com]1. The wholeclass work.
2. Group work.
3. The wholeclass work.4. Group work.
5. The wholeclass work.
Production(7 minutes)
6. The wholeclass work.7. The wholeclass work.8. The wholeclass work.9. Individualwork
1. Students grasp the1. Teacher asks the studentsusage of object clauses.to find out the sentences
containing object clausesfrom 3. Then ask them tograsp the usage of objectclauses.
2. Students discuss different2. Teacher lets students discusstable manners betweendifferent table mannersJapan and Cuba.between Japan and Cuba.3. Students check the3. Teacher lets two studentsanswers.tell the differences.4. Students discuss the4. Teacher lets studentstable manners of China.discuss the table manners
of China.
5. Students finish the5. Teacher lets students finishtable.the table.
6. Students report theirwork.
7. Students grasp themanners.
8. Students summarizeSection B with theteacher.
9. Students finish thehomework after class.
6. Teacher lets studentsreport their work.7. Teacher evaluates students’reports.
8. Teacher shows the summaryof this section to the students.9. Teacher assigns homework:
[来源Z*xx*kCom](1) Review the summary
after class.
(2) Make a sandwich fortheir parents bythemselves.
(3) Collect more table mannersin different countries.
The students are very glad that they can make the sandwich bythemselves. They grasp the usage of object clauses well and learn theusage of comparative and superlative degrees of monosyllabic adverbs.And they are very interested in the table manners in different countries.
Ⅶ. Blackboard design
Unit 7 Food Festival
Topic 2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.
Section B
1. Would you mind if weearly→earlier→earliestlearntomakeitfromlong→longer→longestyou?2. well→better→best3. Practice makes perfect.