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应用概率统计 第二十六卷 第三期2010年6A Chinese JournM of Applied Probability and Statistics Vo1.26 No.3 Jun.2010 Error Estimation of Regression Problem in Learning Theory LI PINO (。ep。rtme D,^ £^emn cs, 。。 zfB9e of Arts。nd sc e礼ce,肌。。面礼9,3』2D。。) Abstract In this paper,under a general loss function ( 一,( )),when ( )is a continuous iunct on' error estimation of regression problem is discussed. Keywords: Err0r estimation,regression,learning theorY,target function,em minimization. , ., cal ris上【 AMS Subject Classiifcation:68T05,62J02・ §1.Introduction In the recent years,learning theory is discussed in literatures・ Firstly we wil1 g Ve some basic cOncepts of the statistical learning theory. Let X be a compact metric space and Y:R.Let p be a unknown probab lity distribution on Z:X×Y and = ) 1:{( , ))罂1 be a samP1es,independently drawn according to P. .. Let C(X1 be the Banach space of continuous function Oil X with the norm lIo。 sup I ( )l,and be a compact subset of C(x)・ ∈x The g0al of the regressi0n problem is to ifnd a function,:x y(based on he saⅡlples),which can predicts the value of given z.The possible choices of funct ons are a11 in a f1lnction class 7_(called the hypothesis space for the regress on problen . A quantitarive measure of how accurate a function jP∈ approximates Y s g Ven by a 1oss functi0n ( 一,( )). The errorfrisk)associated with the loss function of f is defined by ’ ): 一 )) The target function fu in 7t is defined to be : gmin ̄ ̄b( 一,( ))dp (60873206,90818020) 264 应用概率统计 第二十六卷 The empirical error(risk)associated with the loss function is defined to be ,)= m 一 The empirical target function fz associated with the samples ={( , )). 1∈zm is defined 。be fz=arg mi n Ez(,) (see[1]). ,∈工’he main idea of the statistical learning theory is Empirical Risk Minimization. Given a training set ={zd 1 and a function space ,we define the Empirical Risk Minimization(ERM)to be a symmetric procedure that selects a function that minimizes the empirical risk over al1 functions.厂∈ ,that is, =arg min  (.厂)(see[2D・ f The theory of ERM studies how fz approximates with respect to the error the target function . The covering number plays a big role in learning theory. For a subset of a metric space and叩>0,the covering number ( ,叩)is defined to be the minimal integer ∈N such that there exist disks with radius卵covering . For a subset of continuous function set c(x)on ,we denote by ( ,77)the covering number of (see f11). The sample error is defined as£(fz)一E( ). By Bernstein inequalities,under square loss function ( 一 ,( ))=(Y一,( )) ,(1] gave the following result. Theorem c【 ]Let be a compact subset of C( ),Mo>0 be a constant and f:X__÷Y is a function.Assume that,for all f∈7_(,』.厂( )一YI M0 almost everywhere. Let =sup(72(片),where 0-2(片)is the variance of ,then,for all£>0, ∈ . c 啦 一 ( , )唧 一 m£2 8(4 + ) In the present paper,under a general loss function ( 一.厂( )),when ( )is contin- UOUS function,error estimation of regression problem is discussed. §2. Main Results Let be a compact subset of C( ),since£(fz)一£(fn)= ( )一E ( )+ ( )一 argm,∈£ ( )+£ ( )一£( )and fz =£( )一£(. ) in  (,)1 s。,Ez( )一E ( ) 0,hence E( )一Cz( )+E ( )一£( ) ≤sup(e(f)一Cz(,))+sup(e (.厂)一 (.厂)). fen fen 第三期 李平:学习理论中回归问题的误差估计 265 To prove the following theorems,we first introduce a Lemma. Lemma[ ](The bounded diferences inequality(McDiarmid))Let X1,X2,…, be independent random variables taking values in a set Q and assume that f:Q _-÷R satisfies the bounded diference condition,that is,for every 1 i m, sup Jf(xl,.一,Xm)一f(Xl,…,Xi一1, :,Xi+l,…,3Cm)I Ci, l,・--,zm, ∈Q 一m then for every t>0 ; P{,( ,…,z )一E,(z ,…, ) t) exp 一 ∑c J =2亡2 1} 1 P{E.厂( ,一., )一,(z ,…, ) ) exp }・ ∑c J 一2亡2 1 i:1 Theorem 2.1 Let 7-i be a subset of C( ),M>0 be a constant and :R R+ be a loss function.For all f∈ satisifes l ( 一.厂( ))一 ( 一f(x ))1 M,then for every E>0.there holds 2仇£2 Pzczm{f£(,)一£ (,)I ) 1—2exp{ M2 Proof Set∈( )= ( 一.厂( i)).Since + ( ))一 z ̄EXxY f ( )+・..sup ~( )+…+∈( )+…+ ( )) … m, sup ∈( )一∈(z:) 1 I ( 一 Zl1---, m, :∈ ×y SUP Zl,…,Zm, ∈x×y ))一 ( 一 :)) M 仃 Applying Lemma,for every£>0,we have P T/t i 1 -]I>£]. 2 exp{一 2mE2). Hence P{Ic(f)一oCz(,)l £) =P 墨 £_>1-2 exp{一 ). 口 266 应用概率统计 第二十六卷 Theorem 2.2 Let 7-/be a compact subset of C( ),M>0 be a constant and :R-_÷R+be a loss function.Suppose that is a continuous function,for all f∈7-I satisfying J ( 一,( ))一 ( 一f(x ))I M,then for every£>0,there exists叩>0, there holds zm ,) lE) 一 ( )eXp{一蒹) Proof Since is continuous,for every g->0,there exists 77>0,when IIf—fJll ̄ 叼,there is l ( — ))一 ( 一 ( ))l ・ Let N= ( ,叩),and choose{f…N:1 C 7-/such that for every f∈7-I there is J∈{1,2,…,Ⅳ)satisyfing IIf—fjlI。。 叩. Hence 『£(.厂)一E(,j)『 =I 一 ))一 一 ))]d ))一 一 ))ldp , ( )一Cz( =f 1 m (( 一 (翰))一砂(一 一 一 圳  训 1 m I ( 一 (zi))一 一 i))l Thus E(,)一 (I厂)f = IE(.厂)一E(疗)+E( )一Cz( )+Cz( )一Cz(‘厂) I£(.厂)~£( )I+IE( )一Cz( )l+l£ ( )一£z(t厂) + +I£( )~E (fj)l 舌+『£( )一£ ( )I- Therefore {z∈z :IE(,)一Ez(,)I £,V,∈ )c N{r ∈z : IE( )一Ez( ) I差 It follows that P fL sup ,∈ E(f)-ez(,) ) P ̄ezm{JE( ) (,J)l 三) 第三期 李平:学习理论中回归问题的误差估计 267 Set∈( )= ( 一t厂(z )).Since su p∈ y I (∈(z )+…+∈( m))一 (∈( )+・・‘+∈( )+…+ ( m)) )一∈( :) ̄--sup …1,…,m,Z z ̄EXxY sup ~= Zl, .Zm z ̄EXxY m I@(Yi—f(xi))一 ( ~,(z:)) < " M. applying Lemma,we have c 主) xp{- xp{-蒹) Consequently,for every£>0,there holds zm ,)_ ,) >J_1-2 .exp{一蒹>. 口 Theorem 2.3 Let be a compact subset of C( ),M>0 be a constant and :R R+be a loss function.Suppose that is a continuous function,for all f∈7-t satisfying}砂( 一,( ))一砂( 一f(x ))I M,then for every E>0,there exists叩>0, there holds ) ) 1~2 ( ).exp{一蒜) Proof Since is continuous,for every E>0,there exists叩>0,when IIf一 II∞ 叼,there is I砂( 一,( ))一 ( 一fj( ))I 詈. 7-/such that for every f∈7-I there is Let N=Ⅳ( ,叩),and choose{,j} 1 C J∈{1,2,…,Ⅳ)satisfying lIf—fjl1。。 叩. Hence £(,)一E( ) J Z 1 ( 一 ))一 ( 一fj(x))]dp m o , E ( )~£ (厂) Thus  ̄lEI ̄(yi—fj(xd)一 ( 一 i))】 言・ E(,)一 (,)=E(,)一g( )+E(疗)一 (,J)+ (,J)一 (,) +E( )一E ( )・ 268 应用概率统计 第二十六卷 Therefore z E Zm: ̄(f) (,)> ∈ c 她) It follows that P ∈ sup{E(,)一 ) 暑N zm ( ) …。Set ( )= ( 一.厂( i)).Since su p∈x y I (∈( )+・・‘+∈( m))一 (∈( )+・・‘+∈( )+…+∈( m)) Z I,…,Zm,sup )一 ( )…z ̄EXxY m suP 一 一矽( 一 :)) Zl,…,Zm, ∈ xY < M. " applying Lemma,we have 2. \、P ∈zm{Ec 一E c ) exp 4/ 1{_ 8mcM22、)  .M2 " )= exp 2. \P ∈zm{£ ( )一E( ) ) exp 4/ mE2 1 1exp 面 ..——.M2 " )= Hence P锄m{ (,∈ £(.,)一E (,)) 三)J  ( ,叩)exp{ mc2 1 j, P m su fe p(一 J ( ,叼)eXp{一L 』 ) J  Thus PzEZm{£(,2)一E( ) E) P锄m({ ( (,) 一 ( )) }U{ s up, (Ez(,)一£(,)) )) 2/(n exp{一 ) 第三期 李平:学习理论中回归问题的误差估计 269 Consequently,for every E>0,there holds Pzczm{E( )~E( ) £} 1—2Ar( ̄,叼)-exp{一 ). 口 In this paper we obtain three theorems,we now compare the three theorems with the Theorem CI11First the conditi0ns of the three the0rems are weaker than conditions in . the Theorem CI 】;and second in the Theorem c .if M0>0 is a much large constant, then the result of the Theorem Ct can be uselessHowever,in the present paper,we may choose a suitable loss function ( 一,( )),then M>0 can be a much small constant, and the results of the theorems in the paper can be usefu1. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Professor Wang Jing Long or hjfs assistance. 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