Children learn their first language □ by imitations. □ by repetitions.
□ by singing songs and saying rhymes. □ by reciting poems.
□ by being corrected by parents. □ by listening to stories. □ by learing language rules. □ by talking to oneself. □ by acting and performing. □ by talking about pictures.
□ by watching television cartoons. □ by drawing and talking. □ by talking to others. □ by playing games.
Language learning process is a socializing process. Therefore, interaction and experimenting with the language in communication are very important factors for language development.
Children are very active and creative language learners.
They can make sense of the world from what they see and hear and create their own utterances when there is a need for them to express their own ideas.
☆We have all had the experience of learning both Chinese and English, Chinese as our first language(L1) and English as our foreign language(L2).
Do you agree that the learing of English as a foreign language is more difficult than the learing of Chinese? Why is it so ? Think about the differences that exist between children learning their mother tongue and children learning a foreign language. Make a list of the differences in the spaces given below and discuss them with a partner. Then, think about the ways by which we can minimize the differences so as to make the learning of another language easier and with more success.
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Exposure to language Time Learning context L1 Natural and adequate All day long Supportive,friendly,and tolerant L2 What can we do? Types of input Strategies for learings Motication for learing Natural and in context Listening before speaking Remain high for commu- nicative needs. Value of error correction Not very much value Support and guidance Opportunities for exp- eriments Feedback forms Encouraging all the time Very patient and constant A lot of opportunities
We can try to create a supportive situation and be tolerant to our learners’ errors when they are trying to communicate. We can provide more opportunities for children to hear the language before asking them to say the words and give them more chances to experiment with the language. We also can design activities which are interesting and motivating for children and encourage them to use the language in meaningful contexts.
母语习得(Child language Acquisition) 第一语言习得(First Language Acquisition) 第二语言习得(Second Language Acquisition) 一 行为主义理论(Behaviorism) 代表人物: 斯金纳 Skinner
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经过: 模仿(imitation)——强化(reinforcement)——成形(formation)\\
行为主义一度对外语教学产生了巨大影响.二战期间,美国语言学家根据行为主义理论创立了听说教学法(Audiolingual Method) 二、认知理论
乔姆斯基(Chomsky)提出 “认知论”(Cognitive Theory). 这一理论认为,人类大脑中具有一种适于学习语言的习得机制(Language Acquisition Device, 简称 LAD).
认知论还认为:儿童语言是一个合法的受规律支配的系统,其发展是一个在接纳输入材料的基础上进行假设,并通过自己的理解和表达来验证假设的过程,是一个实验---犯错误---再实验的过程,也就是说犯错误是语言学习过程中的必然. 从出生到青春期是语言习得的关键时期(The Critical Period).
儿童习得母语时一般经历四个阶段: 咿呀学语阶段(the babbling stage),独词话语阶段(one word stage),联词成句阶段(the word-combining stage)和语法形成阶段(the grammar stage)
母语习得与第二语言习得的差异. 1. 学习的主体(Learning subject) 2. 两者的学习起点不同(Start point)
3. 学习条件和环境不同(condition & environment) 4. 学习动机不同(motivation)
5. 语言输入的情况不同(language input) 第一语言干扰 L1 interference 综合性动机 integrative motivation 工具性动机 instrumental motivation
教师的作用: 教师可以通过灵活多变的教学形式对学习动机、课堂学习环境和语言输入产生积极的影响。
The following are some statements about children’s characteristics and suggestions for teachers.
A. It’s difficult for pupils to understand verbal instructions when they first learn
the language.
(Keep instructions very simple and support them with body language) B. Children’s attention span is very short.
(Use many short and simple activities instead of one long activity)
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C. Children do not often have a clear purpose for learning. They learn perhaps
simply because they are happy and enjoy the activities.
(Teachers need to make the learning experience very enjoyable and pleasant.)
D. Children like to do things with their hands, bodies and minds.
(Organize some hand-on activities for children to do. TPR is a good method
for teaching children)
E. Children like to do things with achievable learning targets because they want
to feel sure that it is not something beyond their ability.
( We should not make tasks too difficult for children. Tasks should always have definite outcomes and repeated elements to ensure security and participation)
F. Children are imaginative and creative. They like new things and enjoy
participating in activities.
(Give children the opportunity to be imaginative and creative, e.g. Make their own drawings of a monster or imagine seeing something through a telescope and tell others about it with their own limited language.) G. Children are not good at analyzing language rules.
(There is no point explaining complicated grammar rules to children. But
is will be helpful to guide children to discover the rules by themselves)
☆ If children are happy, feel secure and in a threat-free environment they are more likely to enjoy learning.
Children will not concerntrate if you lecture them! This means we need to consider how to create a real desire for children to learn English;we need to provide opportunities for children to experience and experiment with the new language; we also need to provide a variety of opportunities for children to use the language in different contexts.
Teaching children requires more energy and care into the understanding of how children think an learn, because children are still developing; their bodies are still growing; their minds are still developing.
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The younger ,the better to learn English (F) Dr. Howard Gardner
It suggests that everyone has at least seven different intelligences and everyone is different in terms of the intelligences they have. Therefore, teachers need to be aware of the differences and try to help develop each student’s potentials and learn how to make good use of the theory of multiple intelligences to motivate students in learning.
☆ Eight intelligences
Linguisitic 语言智力 Math and logical thinking数理智力 Spacial 空间智力 Bodily-kinesthetic 形体智力 Musical 音乐智力 Interpersonal 人际交往智力
Intra-personal 内省智力 Naturalistic-Physical World 自然界智力
☆ Good language learners should have the following features:
·Good language learners find words farily easy, and aren’t put off by the way they look.
·Good language learners are able to make imaginative guesses about the meaning of words according to contexts.
·Good language learners make the most of their skills and manage to communicate in all sorts of unlikely situations.
·Good language learners are quick at seeing patterns in a foreign language. ·Good language learners practise a lot on their own.
·Good language learners think a lot about how they use language.
·Good language learners seem to read a lot(It’s a good way of increasing your
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·Good language learners have reference books and consult them regularly. ·Good language learners are interested and motivated in learning the language. ·Good language learners are not afraid of making mistakes. They take every opportunity to practise with the language.
·It is impossible to separate a language from its culture. Good language learners are open to other cultures and individuals. And this creates more opportunities for progress.
·On the whole, women are better at languages.
☆ Attitudes and motivation have been regardes as the most important factors affecting learning.
Participation, enjoyment, and success are three keys that will make all the difference to children in building up their attitude and motivation towards learning English.
Bearing in mind the theory of multiple intelligences, we need to design a variety of activities that cater for different needs and provide different opportunities for children to exercise their different intelligences.
However, too much attention and care can destroy children’s ablility to create, to try new things and even to do basic things in life.
☆ We can see that a good primary school English teacher need to develop competence in at least three areas: the English language, the understanding of children, and the techniques and methods for teaching English children, knowing the language and knowing how to communicate with the language are essential to an English teacher.
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Unit 2 Understanding the National English Curriculum
☆ From 2001, English has become a required course in primary schools from grade3.
Will a Second Language Interfere with the First Language?
In most cases, learning another language enhances a child’s native language ability. Children can learn much about their native language by learning the structure of other languages. Common vocabulary also helps childrens learn the meaning of new words in their native language. Experimental studies have shown that no long-term delay in native language development occurs in children participating in second language classes, even in full immersion programs.
The following are some statements concerning the goals and objectives of primary school English language teaching. Read them carefully and decide whether you agree with them. Add your opinions if you have more.
□ To provide valuable experience for future language learning. □ To teach more vocabulary and structures to children. □ To help them to obtain good pronunciation and intonation.
□ To raise children’s awareness of a different language and different cultures. □ To help children form good habits in learning a foreign language.
□ To add interests and increase motivation for children learning another language. □ To lay a good basis for spoken English. □ □
☆ all put the mastery of language knowledge and language skills as the first priority. As far as primary school language teaching is concerned, we believe that the goals and objectives should foucs on the following:
· to develop pupils’ interests, self confidence and positive attitude towards learning English;
· to cultivate the pupils’ language sense and enable the acquisition of good pronunciation and intonation;
· to develop the pupils’ preliminary ability to use English in daily exchange and to
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lay a good basis for further study.
☆ Characteristics of the new English curriculum
The first important change in the design of the new curriculum is the feature of unity and continuity between primary and secondary English language teaching so as to ensure effective learning and better utilization of teaching and learning resources. Secondly, the achievement standards change from a grade-based to a proficiency-based one which gives the opportunity for students starting at different ages to follow the levels progressively.
Thirdly, after the nine-year compulsory education, the curriculum is designed to include both a required component which leads to level 7 and an elective component, making the curriculum more individualized and flexiable by giving students a chance to choose other options.
Fourthly, all teaching aims are described in terms of what the students should be able to do with the language rather than what the teachers should teach,putting the students at the centre of learning.
Fifthly, there are two more characteristics with the new curriculum.One is that a new assessment system is established to encourage the use of both formative and summative assessment to evaluate children’s learning.The other is that the new curriculum puts a very strong emphasis on teachers’ ability to make good use of modern educational resources and expand the use of media in teaching.
☆ Understanding how children learn another language is an important starting point for developing skills and strategies for teaching children.The following principles are summarized to provide an understanding for teaching language to young learners.
Principle1: Children learn best when feeling happy and secure. Principle2:Children are naturally imaginative, active and creative.
Principle3: Learning is often a mutual accomplishment. Learning is collaborative, not adult driven. Children participate at their own level of understanding with the mother’s help
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Principle4:Children often learn through guided participation and they profit from the support and encouragement of more competent people.
Principle5:Children learn best when they are involved both physically and mentally. Principle6: Children need plenty of opportunities to use similar language again and again.
Principle7: Children need to be encouraged more than criticized.
Principle8: Children should be given opportunities to learn to evaluate their own learning and learn to plan the use of their own time.
Principle9: Learning depends upon the negotiation of meaning.
Principle10: Children learn in a similar way as they acquire their mother tongue. They learn the whole language rather than through analyzing language rules.
一级: 对英语好好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下,听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。
二级: 对英语学习有持续的兴趣爱好,能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣,能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。
As for Level 1, which covers the first two years of learning, the focus of learning is on developing children’s interests and motivation. 分级目标的具体要求: 一级二级 Page88-92 二级情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标(Page 99)
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Unit 3 Classroom Management
As teachers, we need to understand that different seating arrangements allows not only different classroom interactions but also may indicate different learner-taacher relationship.
In language teaching classroom, the primary concern is to encourage classroom interactions.
Why use Body language.
First, one does not have to understand meaning just from words of a language, for example, one can understand a message from body language, nodding for afreeing and waving the hand for goodbye,etc.
Secondly, in many occasions, meaning can be understood with very limited language, sometimes just one word, for example, “good” with your thrmb raised.
No wonder most children could not understand what to do . Scrivener(1994:98) proposed five steps towards better instructions: 1. Become aware of your own instruction-giving. 2. For a while, pre-plan instructions.
3. In class, separate instructions clearly from the other chit-chat,telling off, joking,etc. that goes on.
4. Demonstrate rather than explain wherever possible. 5. Check that they have understood what to do.
☆Therefore, we can conclude that the target language should be used as much as possible even with beginners, but we should use very short and simple words, phrases and sentences and always put them in a context or used with body language to demonstrate their meaning.
☆There are different reasons for children to misbehave in the classroom. According to our experiences, the list could be as the following. 1. Children are too young to sit for a long time
2. The contents are too difficult and some children could not understand them. 3. The contents are too easy and some children know them already
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4. The teacher is talking too much, paying no attention to children 5. The lesson is very boring and children feel tired 6. The activities are too noisy and children are overexcited
7. The teacher pays attention to only active pupils, and those ignored children want to do something to attract the teacher’s attention
8.The children had just finished an exciting P.E. class and could not shift the mood into English class yet.
☆ For those who try to get attention, we may satisfy this need by giving the childrenthe opportunity to do the right thing and praise them when it is done well. So creating a friendly and relaxing classroom atmosphere is more important in keeping discipline.
请列出五个老师不合适的体态语. Page122
☆ Vale and Feunteun(1995) have proposed the following to get the children’s attention(adapted)
· Establish an attention-getting code. · Give a short series action game instructions.
· Walking up to a noisy child or group and start talking to them quietly. · Always speak quietly.
· Aak all the children to rest their arms and heads on the desks with eyes closed in
complete quietness for one minute.
· Stop the activity when is gets too noisy and introduce a new activity which
settles children down a bit.
· Discuss with the children and write an agreed contract with the whole class. · Always speak in normal voice.
It is wise to begin some courses in a fairly formal or even strict way, and relax
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little by little as you gain the co-operation of the group. 哪些活动是属于Settler, 哪些属于Stirrer
1. Ask the whole class to copy a list of food words onto a piece of paper from the board.
2. Stick a list of flashcards on the board with number given to each card. Ask the pupils to listen and write down the number of the picture they hear.
3. The teacher put the cards together and take away one of them and ask the pupils to guess what she has got on her flashcard by saying to the children:”guess what I have got on my flashcard”. 4. Children take out their cards and do paired practice on “Guess what I have got on my flashcard” 5. T writes “May I have…” on the board and ask the class the question and children will show their cards by understanding. 6. One child is asked to try the question with the class. 7. Children practice in pairs using their cards. 8. Children copy the sentence of requesting for food on their book with a chosen answer.
9. Children open the book and practice the dialogue and ready for an acting out. (Stirrer will be underline)
☆ One thing is clear that varying the activity types can not only help maintain
good classroom discipline.
☆ Sometimes it is good that you establish routines and make it predictable for
the pupils.
☆ How to organizing the lesson. (如何设计教学片段) Page 135
☆ Four forms of interactions:
Lockstep is where all the children are under the control of the teacher. Pair work is where the children work in pairs.
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Group work is where the children work in small groups.
Individual study is the stage during the class where the children are left to
work on their own and ate their own speed. ☆
A. For whole-class work
· story-telling ·singing songs · listen and so · reading aloud · listen to the tape and repeat after the tape or teacher · checking understanding · presenting new language
·guessing games
· watchng videos · giving instructions
B. For pair or group work
· paired reading · dramma performance · question and answer practice · information gap activity. · role playing · project work C. For individual work
· copying ·reading
·reading aloud · gap filling writing exercise ·self-evaluation · writing a letter or e-mail
Problem Solution The desks may be fixed so pupils Do activities in the playground, school cannot move around hall or use the limited space you have ate the sides of the desks. Some pupils may dominate pair or Plan the composition of groups more group work. carefully. Put the dominating pupils together or swop them around. English teaching in primary school - 13 -
The school may not allow pupils to Discuss the purpose of the activities with make a lot of noise the teachers next door to you and the head teacher. Agress on a suitable time. Train the pupils to keep their voices down Pupils may be unused to pair/ group With older pupils(nine upwards), discuss activities and use them as an exuse why you want to do pair or group work. for misbehaving. Establish clear rules/procedure with them. With younger children, create a purpose for doing pair or group work that makes sense to them Pupils may use L1. Try to choose activities which ensure that all or at least some part of them has to be done in English, e.g. reporting back to the class. If pupils are old enough, discuss with them the reson for talking in English or develop imaginative reasons for group work, part of a story or game 教学内容
Things to be include in our lesson plans 1. Teaching Objectives. 2. 3. 4. 5.
☆ Reasons why we need to plan our lessons. e.g.
1. Make ourselves more confident in teaching. 2. We feel more secure with a lesson plan.
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3. It gives us more time to do things in class. 4. 5.
★★ Page 158
Once these questions are answered, you can move into the details for
designing the activity. For the actual designing of an activity, we suggest that you start by thinking about three phases of an activity. Namely, the preparation phase, the main activity phase, the follow-up phase or consolidation phase.
Error correction largely depends on the objectives of teaching.
☆ Discuss point(Page 162)
1. Decide what kind of error has been made(grammatical?/ pronunciation?) 2. Decide whether to deal with it(is it useful to correct it?) 3. Decide when to deal with it.(now? end of an activity? Later?)
4. Decide who will correct(teacher? Student self-correction? Other students?) 5. Decide on an appropriate technique to indicate that an error has occurred or to
enable correction.
☆ So what we suggest is that you need to start from the very beginning to
establish the following.
·Your own file of pictures an cards. ·Your own box of toys and objects ·Your own creativity and imagination · Make children an important resource.
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Unit4 The Techniques of Teaching Children
1. Children should be allowed to listen and respond with gestures and actions as a way to show their understanding. This would prepare them for speaking. P173
2. Using language for a purpose; giving them the opportunity to show that they understand; giving them another opportunity to acquire the language; giving them another opportunity to absorb the sounds and patterns of the language naturally. (如何培养学生听、做能力) P173
3. They listen and do coloring, numbering, ticking, pointing, or matching. P175 4. When teaching listening, we need to bear in mind the objectives of teaching listening. In other words, we do not teach listening simply for the purpose of helping learners to imitate the pronunciation and intonation they hear, but for the purposes of teaching children learn the language through listening and learn how to listen. 1) Let children listen to authentic English 2) Let children be active in listening 3) Always give children a purpose for listening. (通过听,如何听) P176 5. Listening and Speaking activities:
Listening activities: Listen and repeat; Listen and guess; Listen and join in. Speaking activities: Draw and ask questions to find out; Whisper a sentence; Pairs finding; Speaking chains; Find someone who…; Telling or retelling stories; Guessing games; Questionnaires and surveys. (什么样的活动训练听、说)P185 6. They should provide them with opportunities to guess and predict based on their experience or imagination. (训练说当中要注意……) P190
7. The children in reading by asking questions, confirming, checking, and giving guidance. She invites children to join in and praises them timely. P197 8. Spelling activities:
1) Have children use their fingers to practice writing letters in the air. (书空形式) 2) The teacher writes a word on the board in a vertical way then invites pupils to work in pairs to write out different words in horizontal directions. (填空形式) 3) Labeling pictures or objects. 4) Write captions for pictures.
5) Write birthday/holiday cards. 6) Write out one’s timetable in English.
7) Read the chart and write sentences about Jack and Mary. 8) Fill in simple forms. 9) Writing simple poems. (看一看有什么样子的形式)P201
9. Helping learners in learning pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence patterns; in helping children’s memorizations and in helping children develop a natural sense of
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the language. (歌曲与小诗的作用) P205
10. At the beginning stage of language learning it is important to expose learners with language chunks. 11. How do we use songs in the classroom? (看问题) P210
12. There are generally two types of games in the classroom. One kind stresses accuracy which is called language-focused games and the other kind stresses fluency, which is called communication-focused games.(以语言、以交际为中心) P213 13. language-focused games :
1) Bingo game; 2) In my basket I have…; 3)Fizz and buzz; 4) I spy with my little eye something…; 5)Pic-a-boo; 6) Rock, paper, scissors Communication-focused games:
1) Back to the board; 2) Spot the differences; 3) Rearrange and describe; 4)Describe and draw (分清哪些是以语言为中心,哪些是以交际为中心)P215
14. The teacher’s body language and the use of the voice or intonation can also help children’s understanding. So when using stories, do not READ it, but TELL it. P226
15. Activities that can be used with stories: (哪些可以用于故事中) P227
Gap-filling; Labeling; Games; Drama; Artwork; Drills; Dance; Matching; Sequence; Correction; Story telling; Making books/posters.
16. Clarity, size of writing, style of writing, and speed of writing. 重点 P247 17. Board writing can be classified into two types: block writing, and cursive writing. P247
18. Cursive writing can be further divided into simple cursive and full cursive. P247 19. Generally board writing can be divided into two parts. One is called the main board writing. The other one is called minor board writing. P249
20.When writing on the blackboard the following principles should be followed:
1) Write clearly; 2) Write straight; 3) Stand sideways; 4) The talk and chalk principle; 5) Economize on blackboard time. (原则) P250
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Unit5 Assessing Learning with Children
1. Assessment involves the collecting of information or evidence of a child’s learning progress and achievement over a period of time for the purposes of improving and learning. P260
2. Evaluation, according to Cameron can be concerned with “a whole range of issues in and beyond language education: lessons, courses, programs, and skills can all be evaluated.” It involves making an overall judgement about one’s work or a whole school’s work. P261
3. Assessment is often divided into summative assessment and formative assessment. P263
4. Formative assessment is based on information collected in the classroom during the teaching process for the purposes of improving teaching and learning, therefore, it is sometimes termed as classroom assessment as well. P264
5. Formative assessment focuses on the process of learning, that is, on assessing how well children understand concepts, perform tasks and make progress during the process of learning rather than on the final product or result of learning. (理解) P265 6. However, they are still quite general descriptions of learning goals and objectives into observable behaviors or performances that are related to textbook contents, then we need to think about in what kind of tasks we can find out about our pupils capabilities. (理解:如何设计) P268
7. How can we get the most accurate information of a child’s progress and achievement? P274
(1) Through observing children in activities. (2) Project work (3) Portfolios (档案袋)
8. With learners who have developed some written language skills, it would be a good idea to set up a portfolio for collecting written work. For lower beginners, we can invite children to draw some pictures by themselves to express their feelings and attitudes towards English learning. Also we can draw very simple stick figures with speech bubbles to go with it so that children can fill in the bubbles with some simple English they can write and also they can color some pictures. Furthermore, with portfolios, teachers need to think where you are going to keep them and how. (理解)P277
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Unit6 Adapting and Evaluating Children’s Textbooks
(1) Attract the students’ curiosity, interest and attention. (2) Help students to feel at ease.
(3) Help students to develop confidence. (4) Meet students’ needs.
(5) Expose the students to language in authentic use.
(6)Provide the students with opportunities to use the target language to achieve communicative purposes.
(7)Take into account that the positive effects of language teaching are usually delayed.
(8)Take account that students differ in learning styles.
(9)Take into account that students differ in affective factors.
(10)Maximize learning potential by encouraging intellective, aesthetic and emotional involvement which stimulates both right and left-brain activities. 2.论述题。P304
1)Omission(省略) :The teacher leaves out things that are inappropriate, offensive, unproductive, etc. for the particular group of learners.
2)Addition(增加) :Teachers may decide to add more contents into the textbooks, either in the form of texts or activities, if there seems to be inadequate coverage. 3) Replacement (替换) : Text or exercise materials, which is considered inadequate, for what ever reason, may be replaced by more suitable materials from other resources.
4) Reordering (重新排序) :Teachers may decide the order in which the textbook activities are presented. If necessary, they can then plan a different order from which the writer had laid down.
5) Rewriting/modification (修改): Teachers may decide to rewrite materials, especially exercises, to make it more appropriate, more or less challenging, for the learners.
6) Reduction (减少) :Where the teacher shortens an activity to give it less emphasis. 7) Extension (延伸) :Where an activity is lengthened in order to give it an additional dimension.
8) Branching (分流) :Teachers may decide to add options to the existing activity or to suggest alternative pathways through the activities.
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Unit7 Teacher Development
1. What teachers do is a reflection of what they know and believe. It is necessary to examine how teachers’ beliefs influence their practice. (填空) P309
2. It is not enough that teachers’ work should be studied: they need to study it themselves. (填空/选择) P318
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