
sign away造句

2024-10-18 来源:威能网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【sign away造句】内容,供您参考。

1、They are willing to sign away their entire worldly possessions.(他们愿意签字放弃所有财产。)

2、We can't just walk away from it at the first sign of a problem.(我们不能一遇到问题就逃避。)

3、“No publisher in their right mind would sign up to give away 10 percent of Web-based revenues, ” he said.(“没有发布商在正常思维下会拱手让出10%的网络来源收入。”他如此说道。)

4、Their battle cry will be: "Sign this petition before they sign away your country."(他们呐喊的是:“在他们卖国之前,在请愿书上签名。”)

5、From somewhere inside the shadowy tavern, lit neon blue from the sign outside the shattered window, old Yuri was still plugging away at the remaining assassins.(阴暗酒馆内的某个地方,借着从破碎的窗户透进来的霓虹招牌的蓝光,老尤里还在抗击剩下的杀手。)

6、Fill out a "stop smoking contract" and have a family member or friend sign it. Throw away all your cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays.(起草一份“戒烟合约”并且和某个家庭成员或是朋友一起签署它。扔了你所有的香烟,打火机和烟灰缸。)

7、Those may sound like stern words - but despite the tough times ahead, Microsoft shows no sign of backing away from research spending.(那些话听起来很苛刻,但是尽管日子很艰难,微软没有迹象缩减研究经费。)

8、Never sign away all the rights to a book or song.(决不要签字转让一本书或一首歌的全部权利。)

9、Whether sitting at a stop sign or peeling away from it, the Bladon engine rotates constantly at an astonishing 80,000 revolutions per minute.(无论是停在站牌下还是在离去的过程中,Bladon生产的发动机都能以每分钟80,000转的转速持续旋转。)

10、Be careful not to sign your time or your cash away.(小心,不要签约让出你的时间或资金。)

11、So I'm going to keep calling on both parties in Congress to put aside their differences and send these bills to my desk so I can sign them right away.(因此我将继续不断地号召众议院两党把分歧放在一边,把这些法案送到我的办公桌上,以便我马上签署。)

12、But when users shows no sign of ending their phone calls or pulling themselves away from what they're doing, leave a note on their desk asking them to call you when they are free - and walk out.(但如果没有迹象显示用户要结束电话或手头工作的话,可留下一个便条,请他们在有空的时候给你打电话—然后走开。)

13、So you may be saying to yourself, I have to sign up right now for Swahili and calculus and accordion lessons before my brain withers away!(你或许因此对自己说,趁着我的大脑还没退化,赶紧报名学习史瓦西里文和微积分,还有手风琴班吧!)

14、If you sign up, log in and start using any kind of online service, the cyber-trail you accidentally leave on the world as you click and type away, seems to be a matter of course.(如果你注册、登录并开始使用任何一种在线服务,当你点击、输入时会在这个世界上无意中留下数码足迹,这已经见怪不怪了。)

15、Because an educator, who should sign away almost all the rights is very different from a musician who signed to a record label, who can't.(因为要一名教育者签字放弃所有权利与一名音乐家放弃唱片版权是完全不同的,音乐家可不会同意。)

16、Sign the manifesto and turn VW away from the Dark Side.(签署宣言拯救大众远离黑暗面。)

17、The needle had just hit halfway and I was turning around to head back when I noticed an old cemetery in the distance, far away from any village or other sign of habitation.(随后,指针指向了油表的中央,我掉头正准备回去,这时候发现远处有座古墓,距离这些村子和民居有很远的一段距离。)

18、"We want to make your car buying experience as pleasant as possible," he said, as if there was any way to sign away half your assets and have it feel pleasant.(“我们希望令你的购车经历尽可能地舒适愉快。”他这么说道,仿佛世界上有法子能让你在花掉半数家财的同时,还保持心情的愉悦。)

19、Japan's meteorological agency reported one good sign. It said the prevailing wind in the area of the stricken plant was heading east into the Pacific, which would help carry away any radiation.(日本气象局报告了一个好消息,称损毁的核电厂地区的季风将一直朝东吹响太平洋,可以带走该地区的任何辐射物质。)

20、When you visit a gym, it's easy to get convinced by a very fit salesperson to sign up right away for a membership.(当你到了一个健身房,你很容易会马上被那里的身材苗条的推销员说服而成为那里的会员。)

21、Its local public savings Banks have supported small businesses and ordinary people throughout the recession, where big Banks run away at the first sign of trouble.(在衰退期间由其当地的小规模公立银行来支撑小规模商业和普通个人,大型银行则在衰退初期便撤离。)

22、At the first sign of trouble, the crowd melted away.(人群一看有麻烦,便渐渐散了。)

23、The Buddhist puts the dog onto the floor of the car again and as he drives away from the rest area he realizes that the Berlingo is yet another sign from the Universe.(佛教徒再次把小狗放回车厢地板,当他开车离开休息区时,他意识到贝林戈正是宇宙给他的又一个启示。)

24、Right now, the BP compensation fund is paying businesses and individuals for their short-term losses, and those accepting such interim checks do not have to sign away their right to Sue.(此刻,英国石油公司补偿资金为了他们短期损失支付给企业和个体,而那些接受这样临时的检查没有签署放弃他们的权力控告。)

25、Let's just hope it's not a sign of a larger trend away from classroom learning and discussion.(我们只是希望,这不会成为课堂学习和讨论离我们越来越远的开端。)

26、Put up a sign saying ‘collective farm’. Then half the mice will starve and the others will run away.(在里面放个标牌,写上‘集体农场’四字,不多久大半老鼠会饿死,剩下的都逃之夭夭了。)

27、you don't need to sign your life away on a huge requirements document that would take 18 months to execute.(你不必在一份巨大的、需要花费18个月去完成的需求文档上签署名字而远离了你的生活。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


