How to Write a Letter of Complaint(如何写投诉信)





2.写投诉信时应注意的几点。[写作导航]产品和服务不令人满意是常有的事,如果遇到,应投诉,以实现退换或索赔。投诉信可促使商家做到这点;写投诉信时要很客气,但语气要坚定;另外要证明责任确实在商家;最后要明确问题出在哪儿及你的具体要求,还可加上由此而给你来的不便或伤害,以加强投诉信的分量。[范文]Not every service or proct meets our satisfaction. When we are dissatisfied, we should voice our dissatisfaction. In this way, we can have the seller or provider replace the defective goods, re supply the service, or refund our money. No seller likes to do any of these, but our carefully written letter of complaint may motivate him to do so.When we write a letter of complaint, we will do well to keep these tips in mind: First, be courteous though firm. We will not win the seller’s cooperation by anger. Secondly, be reasonable. Show logically and factually that the responsibility lies with the seller. The>>点此投稿
