
发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 09:40



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:32

英文缩写: ABM (Asynchronous Balanced Mode)

中文译名: 异步平衡方式

分 类: IP与多媒体

解 释: 一种用高级数据链路控制(HDLC)控制的数据通信方式。异步是指在两个没有公共时钟的站之间传输数据,平衡是指在两个站之间对等的进行点到点通信,消除了数据链路两端有主站、次站之分的“不平衡性”。


ABM公司成立于1986年,总部位于美国硅谷San Jose。主要经营光罩对准曝光机(光刻机),单独曝光系统,光强仪/探针。公司的主要市场在美国和亚洲。



探测器 (CCD,近/远 红外,实时X射线)

适用感光层 适用与各种类型的光刻胶及Dry-film, BCB, Polyimide, SU-8 适用与G, H, I线及深紫外曝光

Si, SiGe, SOI, SOS, GaAs, InP, InSb, CZT, MCT,LiNbO3, 石英, 玻璃,
Flex, Rigid substrates (FR-4, BT-epoxy), Kapton, Metal

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:32

英文缩写: ABM (Asynchronous Balanced Mode)

中文译名: 异步平衡方式

分 类: IP与多媒体

解 释: 一种用高级数据链路控制(HDLC)控制的数据通信方式。异步是指在两个没有公共时钟的站之间传输数据,平衡是指在两个站之间对等的进行点到点通信,消除了数据链路两端有主站、次站之分的“不平衡性”。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:33


热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:33

ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile
ABM Abeam (aviation)
ABM Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
ABM Access Bandwidth Manager
ABM Acquisition and Business Management (replaced API&A) (DON)
ABM Active Buffer Management
ABM Activity Based Management
ABM Activity Based Methodology (system architect supports IADE for the Activity Based Methodology)
ABM Activity Based Metrics
ABM Acunet Bandwidth Manager (AT&T)
ABM Acute Bacterial Meningitis
ABM Adaptive Bandwidth Management
ABM Advanced Bandwidth Management
ABM Advanced Battery Management (Sprint)
ABM Agaricus Blazei Murill (Brazilian mushroom, possible immune-builder and cancer-fighter)
ABM Agent-Based Modeling
ABM Aggregate Bearer Measurement
ABM Aggressive Behavior Management
ABM Agile Beam Management
ABM Air Battle Management
ABM Air Battle Manager (USAF)
ABM Air Breathing Missile
ABM Album
ABM All 'Bout Money
ABM All By Myself (gaming clan)
ABM American Building Maintenance Instries, Inc.
ABM American Business Media (New York, NY)
ABM Analog Behavioral Model
ABM Antique Boat Museum
ABM Anyone But Me
ABM Apogee Boost Motor
ABM Apogee Burn Maneuver
ABM Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme (German: Re-Employment Program)
ABM Area Base Maintenance
ABM Armor Breakpoint Model
ABM Army's Best Mofo's (gaming clan)
ABM Aroostook Band of Micmacs
ABM Artificial Baby Milk
ABM Asociación de Banqueros de México (Mexican Bankers’ Association)
ABM Assigned Board Member (of the Editorial Review Board)
ABM Assistant Branch Manager (banking)
ABM Asynchronous Balance Mode
ABM Attention Bond Mechanism
ABM Authentication Billing Manager (Lucent)
ABM Automated Banking Machine (Canada)
ABM Automatic Banking Machine (Canadian name for ATM)
ABM Automatic Batch Mixing
ABM Automatic Bread Machine
ABM Automatic Building Machine
ABM Automotive Base Mechanic (uncertified, slang shadetree mechanic)
ABM Aviation Boatswain's Mate (USN rating)
ABM A/v/r/u/p/a/ Bilgi Merkezi (Istanbul, Turkey)
ABM Bamaga, Queensland, Australia (Airport Code)
ABM Accunet Bandwidth Manager
ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode
ABM Audio Album File
ABM Authentication and Billing Manager
ABM Auxiliary Battery Mole

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:34

