




What are the limits of sympathy in dealing with another person's troubles? Where do we draw the line between caring for a loved one, and being swallowed up emotionally by the obligation to do so? Quite simply, what do we owe each other? In this vivid and thoughtful study, David Karp chronicles the experiences of the family members of the mentally ill, and how they draw "boundaries of sympathy" to avoid being engulfed by the day-to-day suffering of a loved one. Working from sixty extensive interviews, the author reveals striking similarities in the experiences of caregivers: the feelings of shame, fear, guilt and powerlessness in the face of a socially stigmatized illness; the frustration of navigating the complex network of bureaucracies that govern the mental health system; and most of all, the difficulty negotiating an "appropriate" level of involvement with the mentally ill loved one while maintaining enough distance for personal health. Throughout the narratives, Karp sensitively explores the overarching question of how people strike an equilibrium between reason and emotion, between head and heart, when caring for a catastrophically ill person. The Burden of Sympathy concludes with a critical look at what it means to be a moral and caring person at the turn of the century in America, when powerful cultural messages spell out two contradictory imperatives: pursue personal fulfillment at any cost and care for the family at any cost. An insightful, deeply caring look at mental illness and at the larger picture of contemporary values, The Burden of Sympathy is required reading for caregivers of all kinds, and for anyone seeking broader understanding of human responsibility in the postmodern world.

We can see lots ladies dancing in the square or open spaces after dinner time. It was a very harmonious scene not until someone fire guns and release his dogs to threaten these ladies to escape, just because their music is too loud. Some people think this lousy music has seriously affecting their life, so that the dancing lady should be expelled from public place. While I can’t agree with them.

I have two reasons to support my views. In the first place, most dancing ladies are retired woman, they finally have extra time to do something they like to do, and get together to dance, making more new friends who are share the same habit with them, and build up their body as well. As a matter of fact, some dancing lady is a loner with on family member at home, dancing group is like their second home. We should not deprive them of dance right.

In the second place, square and open space is public place; everyone can use it for any actions of entertainment or relax. If someone complain the lousy music, they can go straight to the dance group and ask them to turn it down. We don’t have to solve this problem by an extremely way.

As a consequence, we cannot expel the dancing lady, because it is a public place, and why can’t we show some mercy to a group of retired lady who are just need a place to dance together?

The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour.
So I think it’s time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don’t go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier.
In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel.

Little things are big
Once I saw this title, I thought of a household small story immediately. It goes like this: a wife is ? clothing and asks her husband to help pass her the scissors. Their son notices that his father make the cutting edge point himself while passing, leaving her the handle, so that the cutting edge of the scissors won't hurt his wife. After a while, the wife do the same. And their little son find it a small but quite moving thing with love in it.
Yes, this is what I'm going to talk about. This small action shows us their deep caring to each other, which support their love lifelong. This is required not only between husbands and wives, but also between friends, workmates, strangers, maybe depending on as well as reflecting individual moral level. And the caring and comprehension toward other people exist in a great many little things in our daily life. Just like what Rodin has told us: all in nature is beautiful, because one's eyes, fearlessly accepting all exterior truth, read there, as in an open book, all the inner truth.

When you see a person rushing in a direction which leading to a dead end, you can explain to him friendly that this way is wrong. When you get on a crowded bus and happen to stand at the door, you can help passengers buy tickets by passing their bus card. When you see a person with heavy things in hand trying to open a door to get out, you can help by opening the door for him and give a smile as a sign a kindness. These little but to some extent big things can be seen everywhere.
Take one more story from our text "Fourteen Steps" for an example , the writer was a handicapped man who was always in need of help and seemed to have no hope in life. But after he was helped by another kind person who was also handicapped, he totally changed. This is how the little things work and make a big difference!
For people who are already familiar to each other, these little things help strengthen their relationship. For people who can get close maybe only once a life, these little things help give other people warm feelings and build a harmonious world.
